Facing the Era of Disruption, FKIP Unram Held an International Conference in the Field of Physics

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Mataram (FKIP Unram) held The 2nd International Conference on Science Physics and Education 2022 or abbreviated as ICSPE 2022 at the Fave Hotel, Mataram for two days from 19 – 20 October 2022.
This international conference is themed “Challenges And Opportunities In Physics And Education In Disruption Era”. The Chairman of the ICSPE 2022 Committee, Prof. Dr. Joni Rokhmat, M.Si. in his report said that there were a total of 45 presenters. Where this number includes several presenters from 6 countries, namely Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
Prof. Ir. Wahyu Srigutomo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. as the President of Physics Society of Indonesia (PSI) who was present through the Zoom Meeting also said that this international conference is very relevant to PSI’s vision and mission to become a reputable organization in the development of physics and physics education.
“I hope that this meeting can produce optimal benefits for all of us, strengthen our cooperation, share research results and exchange ideas,” said Prof. Wahyu.
The Dean of FKIP Unram, Prof. Dr. H. A. Wahab Jufri, M.Sc. also argued that the theme carried by ICSPE this year is very important, “there is no doubt that we are facing an era of disruption with the pandemic situation and the challenges of economic disruption in the present and future. I hope that by focusing on this theme, it can become a forum for exchanging ideas that will benefit us and the world in the future.”
Furthermore, Agusdin, S.E., MBA., DBA., Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram officially opened the international conference. “Mataram University always tries to be the frontline to continue to improve the quality of education and community welfare, especially in NTB and Indonesia,” explained Agusdin.
In ICSPE 2022, there are core speakers consisting of Prof. Keith Taber, Ph.D. (The Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom); Prof. Dr. Caesar A. Saloma (National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines); Prof. Ir. Wahyu Srigutomo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia); and Prof. Dr. Sutopo, M.Si. (Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Malang, Indonesia).
With several topics of discussion such as physics education, theoretical and computational physics, advanced materials and nanotechnology, biophysics and medical physics, nuclear physics, geophysics, astrophysics, instrumental physics, lasers and optoelectronics, and energy and environmental physics.