Hundreds of Participants from Various Countries Join ACcESS 2023: Realizing Digital Transformation, Sustainability, and Educational Innovation

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Mataram (FKIP Unram) in collaboration with the University of Nationalities Malaysia and Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Philippines as co-hosts held the 5th ACcESS 2023 (Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences) international conference on November 2-3, 2023 at Aruna Hotel, Senggigi, West Lombok, NTB with the theme “Sustainability in the Digital Age: Aligning Social Sciences and Education for an Evolving Technological Landscape”.
This activity was held in a hybrid manner by combining onsite or offline and online presentations to accommodate the needs of conference participants spread across various countries. The purpose of holding this conference is as a forum for researchers to present the results of their research in various branches of education and social sciences and relevant fields in order to encourage the spirit of innovation, especially in the digital era and technology that continues to develop today.
The conference was officially opened by Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, Ph.D as the Dean of FKIP Unram, accompanied by Dr. Saprizal Hadisaputra as the 1st Vice Dean of FKIP Unram, Dr. Santi Farmasari as the 2nd Vice Dean of FKIP Unram, and Boniesta Zulandha Melani, Ph.D as the Chairperson of the 5th ACcESS 2023 Committee.
In his speech, the Dean of FKIP Unram conveyed warm greetings to all conference participants and emphasized the importance of this conference theme in relation to digital transformation, sustainability, and social change that is happening today which presents both opportunities and challenges in the future.
This activity was also attended by the NTB Governor Official represented by Assistant III of the NTB Regional Secretary, H. Wirawan Ahmad, S.Si., M.T.H., who in his remarks expressed his highest appreciation for the implementation of the 5th ACcESS 2023 held in Lombok. He hopes that in addition to attending the conference, international participants can explore the beauty and uniqueness of NTB Province.
This seminar was attended by more than 100 participants from various countries such as the United States, Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and others. And there were more than 90 research results presented both online and offline. This seminar presented 5 keynote speakers and 6 invited speakers from various universities and institutions including: Assoc. Prof. Rekha Koul from Curtin University, Australia; Datuk Habibah Abdul Rahim from SEAMEO Thailand; Dr. Maslawati Mohamad from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Assoc Prof. Sanghoon Park, Ph.D from University of South Florida USA; Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi from University of South Florida USA; Prof. Dr. Maslawati Mohamad from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Yazid Basthomi from State University of Malang Indonesia; Prof. A. Wahab Jufri from University of Mataram, Indonesia; Dr. Darrel Ocampo from CBSUA Philippines; Dr. Li Jingping from National University of Singapore; Dr. Saipul Hamdi from University of Mataram, Indonesia; Ade Alimah, M.A., M.Ed. from UIN Mataram Indonesia; and Yustinus Calvin Gai Mali, Ph.D from Satya Wacana Christian University Indonesia.
In her presentation, Assoc. Prof. Rekha Koul stated that education is designed to support each student to develop their abilities in the midst of today’s rapid social and technological changes.
“The skills, knowledge and experiences that students gain at school should contribute to their readiness to continue their education or enter the workforce by equipping them with, among others, digital skills. In addition to digital skills, the role of teachers in identifying and developing students’ abilities, and the role of students themselves in recognizing behavior and building strong self-confidence, there are several other skills needed by students to be successful in the transition to the world of work,” he explained.
Dr. Maslawati Mohamad also said that the role of technology in this modern era has become increasingly important over the years, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To develop students’ digital skills, educators need to think and redesign learning approaches to be more effective and fun by integrating technology. He explained some of the challenges faced by educators in integrating technology in learning, especially in language teaching.
The 5th ACcESS event was a success in terms of the number of participants and their enthusiasm in participating in all the activities. One of the testimonials from one of the invited speakers, Dr. Maslawati Mohamad from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia said that, “this is the best international conference I have ever attended”.
Similar testimonials were expressed by several AccESS conference participants in previous years who praised the host’s performance in preparing this year’s conference. This is certainly an encouragement for the committee, FKIP, and Unram in general to continue to contribute in improving the quality of management and organization of conferences in the future.
This activity was closed by Dr. Saprizal Hadisaputra as Vice Dean 1 of FKIP Unram and Boniesta Zulandha Melani, Ph.D as Chair of the 5th ACcESS 2023 Committee. The Chairman of the Conference Committee expressed his appreciation for the enthusiasm of the participants and the willingness of the keynote speakers and invited speakers to share their research results.
“Hopefully this cooperation can continue to be closely intertwined through ACcESS activities in the following year to keep the fire of enthusiasm for innovation and research, especially in the fields of education and social sciences, burning,” concluded Boniesta.