Improve Understanding and Skills for Academic Data Entry, LPMPP Unram Organizes SIA and Neo Feeder PDDikti Entry Workshop

Published On: 2 August, 2024By Tags: , ,

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – In an effort to improve the ability to use the Academic Information System (SIA) and the PDDikti Neo Feeder, the Quality Assurance and Education Development Institute of the University of Mataram (LPMPP Unram) held a workshop that aims to provide understanding and skills related to academic data entry correctly and efficiently on Friday (2/8) in the Senate Conference Room, Unram Rectorate Building.


The Head of LPMPP Unram, Dr. Sitti Latifah, M.Sc.F. reported that the activity was the opening of a series of socialization activities and preparation for the 2024-2025 odd semester lectures and invited 125 participants from university leaders, deans, head of study programs, and GPNs in Unram.


“We hope that with this socialization all these parties can immediately fill in effectively and manage this academic data so as to produce a better quality of the learning process and academic administration in our institution,” she said.


On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. as the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram (WR I) in her speech explained that SIA is an important platform in order to organize the needs that Unram wants to achieve as a higher education, which is superior and globally competitive.


“Currently we are talking about SIA, which is actually a big homework for the University of Mataram in order to organize all the needs and targets that we want to achieve for the purposes of IKU, accreditation, quality of learning, we have to build several features that integrate with each other. Through the SIA platform, of course we have data that really references one data. So this needs to be assembled with a platform called SIA,” she explained.


Furthermore, the material was delivered by Drs. Made Sujana, MA. and Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom., MM. which was guided by Dr. Muntari, M.Phil as the moderator, related to SIA Filling followed by discussion and input of NeoFeeder PDDikti.