Improving Human Resources, Faperta Unram Again Collaborates with LSPPO Jakarta to Conduct Organic Agriculture Competency Tests

Mataram, University of Mataram – In order to improve Organic Agriculture Human Resources, the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram (Faperta Unram) again collaborated with the Jakarta Organic Agriculture Professional Certification Institute (LSPPO) which was coupled with the implementation of competency testing activities for plant organic agriculture facilitators to 47 people consisting of 15 students, 4 organic farming actors and 28 lecturers of the Faculty of Agriculture Unram for 2 days, on June 28-29, 2024 at the Faperta Unram Competency Test Site (TUK) Office.
The activity was officially opened by the Dean of Faperta Unram, Dr. Ir. Bambang Dipokusumo, M.Si. In his remarks, Dr. Dipo highly appreciated the performance of TUK Faperta Unram which has produced several crop organic farming facilitators and did not forget to emphasize the importance of developing organic agriculture, as well as the high commitment of Faperta Unram in supporting the development of organic agriculture.
“Hopefully, with the existence of organic farming facilitators who will be competent, they can help farmers and organic farming actors in developing organic farming,” said Dr. Dipo.
In line with the Dean of Faperta Unram, I Nyoman Oka Tridjaja, Ph.D as Director of LSPPO Jakarta also added that LSPPO Jakarta is very open to collaborating with various other parties to conduct organic farming certification competency tests because this activity is part of LSPPO Jakarta’s mission in supporting sustainable agricultural development.
“We need to take care of mother earth again by doing environmentally friendly agricultural development which is also an investment capital in protecting the earth from global warming,” said Oka.
Then Prof. Ir. M. Sarjan, M.Agr. Ph.D., as the head of TUK Faperta Unram in his speech also emphasized the high commitment of TUK Faperta Unram to support the development of organic agriculture, especially in the province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Where until now TUK Faperta Unram has 4 assessors and has assessed as many as 37 Plant Organic Agriculture Facilitators.
“We will continue to promote the competency test activities of this plant organic agriculture facilitator to Sumbawa Island and other areas in NTB Province and with the collaboration with the NTB Province MAPORINA organization, we realize NTB Province as a model for developing organic agriculture in Indonesia,” said Prof. Sarjan.
The implementation of the 2-day competency test activities went smoothly and all participants were declared competent as facilitators of organic crop farming. There are a lot of positive impressions from the participants during the competency test, especially when the work demonstration becomes a very valuable experience for the facilitator of plant organic agriculture as capital in facilitating farmers later.