Innovation Contest 2024: Talent Contest for Students and Lecturers to Create Sustainable Economic Solutions

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) through the Center for Business Incubator and Innovation Management (KUBINOV) of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) officially held the 2024 Innovation Contest with the theme “Research-Based Creative and Innovative Products Towards a Sustainable Economy” took place in the Main Conference Room of LPPM Unram on Monday-Tuesday, October 15-16, 2024 aims to encourage creativity and innovation among students and lecturers.
In this activity attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Unram, Dr. Sujita, S.T., M.T.; Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr accompanied by the Secretary of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP; Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE., MM. as Head of Kubinov Center LPPM Unram and Abdurrahman, SE., MM. as Head of Committee of Innovation Contest 2024.
The Head of Committee of the 2024 Innovation Contest, Abdurrahman, SE, MM, in his report said that “This year’s innovation contest lasted for two days, attended by 34 participants consisting of 27 students and 7 lecturers. We hope this can be the first step to publish the work of lecturers and students, both through research and community service that is beneficial to the institution and society,” he said.
With participants consisting of students and lecturers, this contest opens space for each individual to express fresh ideas that can be applied in daily life. The various innovations presented cover the fields of technology, health, environment, and social that show the diversity of ideas and approaches that can provide solutions to various existing problems.
Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. said, “This contest is an opportunity for innovators to show their potential, and get support in developing ideas into real products. We hope to create synergy between academics and society as well as government institutions,” he convey.
“Through this contest, Unram not only increases creativity and collaboration among the academic community, but also contributes to the improvement of the Main Performance Indicators (KPI) in line with the university’s vision to become a superior and globally competitive institution. The innovations produced are expected to provide real solutions to community problems, while strengthening the university’s position in the national and international arena,” said Prof. Sukartono.
This contest also encourages collaboration and constructive exchange of ideas where each innovation produced is expected to provide solutions to challenges faced by society, while increasing the relevance of research and service conducted by the academic community.
Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Unram, Dr. Sujita, S.T., M.T. when opening the event emphasized “This contest is expected to encourage the spirit of sustainable innovation among students and lecturers, as well as create synergies between the academic world, industry, and government. With support from various parties, the innovations produced will not only contribute to improving the quality of education, but also to economic development and community welfare,” he concluded.
With the spirit to create useful innovations, Unram hopes that the 2024 Innovation Contest can become a platform for the younger generation to work and contribute to society.
Through this step, Unram is determined to continue to improve the quality of education and research, transforming the institution into a center of innovation that able to produce a generation that ready to compete at the global level. The 2024 Innovation Contest is not just an event, but a movement to create a sustainable positive impact for all levels of society.