Innovative Cooperation between Unram and Sumbawa Regency Government: Building Synergy for Sustainable Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries Development

Mataram, University of Mataram – Thursday-Friday, November 9-11, 2023. The Institute for Research and Community Service of University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held an audience with the Government of Sumbawa Regency in order to follow up on the collaboration between Unram and the Regional Government of Sumbawa Regency No. 6744/UN.18/KS/2023 and No. The audience were held from November 9-11, 2023.
This activity was carried out with the aim of Unram wishing to develop cooperation opportunities realized in PKS in various fields: Community Research and Development, KKN Implementation, Village Empowerment, Competency Training, Bumdes Training, and other Creative Economy Regional Development Programs.
In this activity, the Regional Secretary of Sumbawa Regency Mr. Drs. Hasan Basri, M.M. accompanied by several related OPDs was present. While from the LPPM Unram, the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. was present; accompanied by Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP as Secretary of LPPM Unram; Prof. Buan Anshari, S.T., M.Sc. (Eng)., Ph.D. Research Coordinator; Dr. Misbahuddin, ST., MT., IPU Coordinator of Cooperation and KKN; Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini, SP., MP. Coordinator of Cooperation and Community Service; Ir. I Gusti Lanang Parta Tanaya, S. Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D.; as well as the LPPM Expert Team for Community Development and Village Empowerment and several staff.
In his remarks the Regional Secretary of Sumbawa Regency Drs. Hasan Basri, M.M. said that, “the results of this morning’s discussion will be outlined in the form of a Work Plan”.
“This cooperation is very much needed considering the area of Sumbawa is about 65% of the NTB area so that in its development cooperation with various parties is needed. Sumbawa is known as a food barn, especially as a source of beef and buffalo, and there is a surplus of corn and rice production. Another thing is the large potential of agriculture, livestock and fisheries in this region,” continued the Sumbawa Regency Secretary.
Other agricultural potentials include the vast agricultural land in the form of dry land that has not been maximally utilized, coffee plantation crops, tobacco, horticultural crops of cayenne pepper, shallots. The potential of the livestock sector is Sumbawa as a source of beef and buffalo meat, especially buffalo as Sumbawa’s native livestock, not cattle. The potential of the fisheries sector is the length of the coastline of around 982 km with capture fisheries, freshwater aquaculture, marine and brackish water activities.
Some other problems are that eggs, vegetables, chicken meat are still imported from outside Sumbawa; stunting is found even in coastal areas rich in marine fish resources, limited animal feed especially in the dry season, expensive feed for chickens, seaweed production has decreased. All these problems require the involvement of the role of academics to overcome each of the above problems and increase the added value of agricultural and livestock products.
According to the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr., the form of LPPM involvement in Sumbawa Regency will be in the fields of research, KKN and education (training).
“The role of LPPM Unram is how to increase the added value of various commodities related to the welfare of farmers, the availability of alternative commodities as the main food such as sorghum, increasing buffalo production, assisting in improving the quality of processed products both involving lecturers and KKN students, cooperation of tobacco commodities and other potential commodities,” explained Prof. Sukartono.
The Head of the Koperindang Office added the high potential of MSMEs in Sumbawa Regency but is weak in the fields of capital, business management, packaging. Regarding industry, weaving craftsmen are moving slowly. This is due to the mismatch between weaving results and consumer orders. Weaving produced by craftsmen is of high quality while consumers need good and cheap woven fabrics. There needs to be innovative technology to produce high quality woven fabrics at lower prices.
Finally, the LPPM Unram team was received by the Secretary of Sumbawa Regency in a gala dinner at Bengawan Tepi Sawah restaurant to begin the discussion of planned topics of cooperation between LPPM Unram and the Sumbawa Regency Government.