KKN-PMD Product Exhibition: Unram Student Innovation in Village Development

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Institute for Research and Community Service of Universitas Mataram (LPPM Unram) held an exhibition of Real Work Lecture Village Community Service (KKN-PMD) products on Saturday 17/2 at the Unram Rectorate Field.
This activity was opened directly by the Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. In his remarks he hopes that product development would continue so that the benefits could be felt directly by the community and in particular could improve Unram’s image in the eyes of the community.
“Continue your coaching, continue the development of these products so that these products can provide benefits to the community and can also improve the image of the University of Mataram,” he said in the opening of the event.
Previously, KKN had been carried out for approximately 54 days in all villages and sub-districts on Lombok Island with a total of 178 groups and 30 of them collaborated with BPBD NTB to develop disaster resilient villages in villages prone to natural disasters.
The Chairperson of the Unram PMD KKN Management Unit, Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST, MT, IPU hopes that the quality of KKN implementation will be better and can produce good impacts on the village and Unram. “We hope that the quality of KKN implementation is getting better. Students are safe in the village, and produce outcomes that have an impact. For example, the village can be empowered economically, can be empowered by its tourism potential, can be empowered by its agricultural potential, can also strengthen resilience, resilience to disasters. Both natural and non-natural disasters,” he said.
On this occasion also attended by the Head of the NTB Trade Office, Baiq Nelly Yuniarti, AP, M.Si. In the interview, she expressed her optimism for the program that has been carried out by students who can drive the village economy with community service by coaching and training in making products of economic value.
“With the potential that we have seen, it means that we have a sense of optimism that we can drive the economy of the people in the village. With one village, they can already make superior products like this. Our only challenge is not to let the products continue after the students finish KKN. This is a common challenge, both for Unram, the village officials and us, the government, how good products that have been produced by students with the village community can be sustainable,” said Nelly.
She also hopes that the excellent products resulting from KKN can continue to grow and provide sustainable benefits for the welfare of the village community. Unram and various parties continue to be committed to supporting community-based sustainability and development with community service schemes.