KUI Unram Holds International Workshop with Education USA

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Office of International Affairs of University of Mataram (KUI Unram) held an International Workshop with Education USA with the topic Study at World’s Top Universities with a Scholarship. The event was held on Tuesday (20/2) morning at the Theatre Room of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unram.
This workshop presented two speakers, namely Education USA Adviser, Ambarizky Trinugraheni, S.S. and Director of Straya Language Institute, Soni Ariawan, S.Pd., M.Ed.
Prof. Ir. Dahlanuddin, M.Rur.Sc., Ph.D. as the Head of KUI Unram explained that scholarships abroad are very important, due to the large tuition fees, living costs, and insurance costs abroad. Through scholarships, students will be facilitated in accessing education abroad without being burdened by high costs.
“Hopefully, this workshop can help students prepare themselves to apply for scholarships. There are many scholarships that you can find easily, use this opportunity so that you get the chance to study at top universities in the world that you dream of,” said Prof Dahlan.
Ambarizky Trinugraheni, Education USA Adviser presented the material on “Graduate Study & Exchange Programs in the United States”, which discussed the reasons why it is necessary to continue their studies to the USA, the steps to prepare themselves when continuing their studies, and the requirements that need to be met when applying at overseas campuses.
Meanwhile, the Director of Straya Language Institute, Soni Ariawan, S.Pd., M.Ed. delivered his material entitled “Better Education Better Life Reach Your Dream with Scholarship”. He explained tips on choosing the right scholarship and destination campus. Soni also described several scholarship options that students can choose to continue their studies, such as the Australia Awards Scholarship, LPDP, MEXT Scholarship, Fulbright Program, Chevening Scholarship, and others.
The workshop was attended by dozens of students who were interested in continuing their studies abroad.