Lamtoro Beef Becomes a Superior Innovation of Faculty of Animal Science University of Mataram and It was served to World Leader as Food Dish at G-20 in Bali

Mataram, University of Mataram – Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Mataram (Faterna Unram) continues to conduct various researches in its field. This time, Faterna Unram managed to find a superior innovation called “Lamtoro Beef”.
Lamtoro beef is fodder from the Lamtoro plant (Leucaena leucocephala). The fodder which is derived by Lamtoro is useful for resolving an addiction toward conventional cattle feed such as hay or grass.
Since the first research was conducted in 2011 by Prof. Dahlanuddin, M.Rur.Sc., Ph.D , Fater Unram managed to find that Lamtoro plants are very representative to be used as cow feed.
“Why do we use lamtoro? Because we are in an island with limited feed. We choose the type of vegetation plants that are able to grow on critical land and also have high protein. Another benefit is Linoleic Acid in beef because it is much higher than beef given concentrate feed, “explained Dean of Faterna Unram, Prof. Muhammad Ali, S. Pt., M.Si., Ph.D.
According to the Professor of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, the development of Lamtoro Beef is used for the development of Balinese cattle (Bos Javanicus). Bali cattle is origin cattle from Indonesia that have grown rapidly in West Nusa Tenggara and other parts of Eastern Indonesia.
Prof. Ali admitted that there are two main problems in improving the quality of Balinese cattle. The First problem is slow growth (about 0.2 kilograms each day) and the second is tough meat (tough). Therefore, Bali cattle are considered as inferior, compared to the exotic cattle such as Simmental or Limousine.
“We chose Bali cattle because it is more adaptable to the weather. Therefore, we continue to develop research that can support the quality of Bali cattle in West Nusa Tenggara according to market demand”, he said.
The type of Lamtoro which was developed in this program was Yaritas Tarramba. Yaritas Tarramaba is more tolerant of flea attacks (Heteropsylla cubana) which attacks many Lamtoro plants.
Through this integrated research, Prof. Ali said Lamtoro Beef which was produced by Unram has reached the international market. At the 2022 G20 in Bali, the Lamtoro Beef which was produced by Unram was consumed by the leaders of various countries across the globe.
This proves that Lamtoro Beef Unram success to reach innovation in winning research funding for the Independent Campus Competition Program from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) RI in early 2023.
The program was proposed in PKKM named I-SAPI (Integrated Sustainable Animal Production Innovation).
“Since entering the international market in 2022, a number of companies in Indonesia have also begun to be interested. Currently, we have also collaborated with a number of universities abroad from Australia, England, Japan, and Korea,” he explained.
He emphasized that they continue to innovate research on Lamtoro Beef and they conducted various student exchange collaborations with world-renowned campuses such as the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Malaysia. This continues to be done by Faterna Unram which has received A accreditation.
“We have great hope to bring sustainable animal husbandry. It is not only from Lamtoro Beef, we can also produce steak, preserved meat (rarit) and others, “said Prof. Muhammad Ali.