Lombok Meets in the Middle: Health Students’ Real Action for the Community

Mataram, University of Mataram – With the theme “Step Into the Spotlight, Weaving Tales of Collaboration and Conquer the Overcoming Challenges in the Strength of Unity”, BEM KM Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Mataram (FKIK Unram) held Lombok Temu di Tengah (LTD), an activity that aims to strengthen solidarity and unite the vision and mission of building communities by all health student organizations in NTB.
LTD began with a discussion forum held at the Dr. Yunita Sabrina Auditorium, FKIK Unram. In this forum, there were 10 representatives of BEM of health universities in NTB, including BEM FK Al-Azhar Islamic University, BEM FIK Muhammadiyah University, BEM FKIK Nahdatul Wathan, BEM STIKES Kesuma Bangsa, BEM STIKES Hamzar East Lombok, BEM Psychology and Humanities University of Technology Sumbawa, BEM STIKES Griya Husada Sumbawa, BEM Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram, BEM STIKES Yarsi Mataram, and ISMAKES Mataram City.
In this forum, discussions were held about issues and problems in the world of health, and discussions about action and service for the community were launched. After a series of discussions, the activities in the forum continued with the provision of material “Development of Organizational Human Resources and Increasing the Interest of Health Students in Organizations” by Daffa Aulia Faza Adhima, S.Ked which was presented interestingly and interactively.
8 Weeks after the discussion forum, through careful and planned preparations, on May 26, 2024, the LTD committee and representatives from BEM-BEM Health in NTB Province held the final LTD activity in the form of Social Service at Al-Hidayah Baturinggit Orphanage. This activity targeted the management and children at the orphanage.
In this activity, the committee and LTD participants were accompanied by Psychologist Pujiarohman, S.Psi., M.Psi to bring health counseling and games to increase self-confidence and creative thinking skills of the social service participants. The activity continued with height and weight checks, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid checks, consultations with doctors, and the provision of free medicines.
Through this series of activities, President of BEM KM FKIK Unram, Syihabul Muttaqin hopes that all LTD participants will return to their respective organizations with the confidence that they are not alone in facing and solving problems in NTB, especially in the health sector.
“All BEM of Health in NTB will work together to solve the existing issues and problems,” he said
Titan Taruna Pratama and Najwaa Khodijah as the person in charge of this activity also hope that Lombok Temu di Tengah will become an important momentum in establishing synergy between various elements of Health in NTB.
“Through this forum, it is hoped that every health student organization in NTB will have the opportunity to share experiences, discuss, and together find solutions to the challenges faced in the health sector. Not only limited to discussions, this event is an opportunity to take concrete actions that can provide direct benefits to the community,” said Titan.