LPMPP Unram holds Follow-up Formulation of AMI RPS, RTM and Standard Exceedance of University of Mataram

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Quality Assurance and Education Development Institute of the University of Mataram (LPMPP Unram) held a meeting on the management review of the follow-up formulation of AMI RPS, RTM and Standard Exceedance of Unram at the Hall of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Unram on Monday (22/1).
The meeting opened with an introduction delivered by the Plt Head of LPMPP Unram, Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd, and a speech by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.si.
The meeting was also attended by Deputy Deans for Academic Affairs in Unram, Deputy Deans for Finance and General Affairs, Deputy Deans for Student Affairs and Alumni, Deputy Director of Postgraduate Academic Affairs, Deputy Director of Postgraduate Finance and General Affairs, Chairperson & Secretary of GPM, AMI Auditor 2023, KTU in Unram.