LPMPP Unram Holds Workshop on Learning Quality Assurance as a Foundation for Improving Unram Quality

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Quality Assurance and Education Development Institute of the University of Mataram (LPMPP Unram) held a workshop on the Alignment of Unram’s Learning Quality Assurance Policy in accordance with Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023. The workshop was held for one day on Monday (18/12) at Same Hotel Lombok.
In the workshop, the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd. said that in less than a month there are at least 4 documents that must be completed, namely accreditation, educational standards, learning development guidelines and SPME evaluation guidelines, as well as guidelines for curriculum development.
In his short speech, Prof. Sukardi expressed the hope that the finalization of this document could include input for improvement from all related elements. The aim is that the document can pass through the commission process in the senate smoothly. All parties are invited to contribute together for the benefit of the Institute.
“The role of LPMPP is very important as ‘power’ in providing different shades, because the essence of accreditation is in LPMPP. I also appreciate the performance of the LPMPP colleagues, and hope that the discussion this time is not too complicated so that the document can be immediately sent to the senate and immediately determined by the rector, “he said.
Prof. Sukardi hopes that the results of this workshop can be a strong foundation for improving the quality of learning at Unram.
In line with the statement delivered by Prof. Sukardi, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana as Vice Rector for Academic Affairs also explained that Unram must respond to every policy that appears, which is certainly done in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
“Without LPMPP, there is no quality output. These strategic documents must be completed immediately to ensure that Unram can move in the expected direction,” said Prof. Nana, her nickname.
Furthermore, he reminded that the Constitution has provided a clear basis, and Unram needs to immediately adjust to these regulations. Strategic documents, which include academic and non-academic, such as financial organization standards, student affairs, teaching and education personnel, infrastructure, cooperation, research, and planning, must be completed immediately.
Prof. Nana emphasized that the existence of LPMPP is at the frontline in guarding the output so that it can be superior. He motivated all elements in Unram to never give up and continue to actively contribute towards the establishment of Unram as the best university.
“Never get tired to contribute for Unram. Our responsibility is to guard this university to be the best. We must not be satisfied with our current position,” he said.
With this spirit, Unram continues its steps to ensure excellent educational quality and is fully committed to continuous improvement.