LPMPP Unram Holds Workshop to Encourage Achievement of Excellent Accreditation

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institute of University of Mataram (LPMPP Unram) held a Quality Assurance Management Workshop to Support the Achievement of Excellent Accreditation at Unram at Lombok Raya Hotel on Wednesday (28/2).
This workshop is also one of the implementations of policies related to the university quality assurance system, specifically Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023 and the new organization and work procedures (OTK) Permendibudristek No. 54 of 2023.
The workshop was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si; Head of LPMPP, Dr. Ir. Sitti Latifah, M.Sc.F.; Secretary of LPMPP, Dr. Edi Herianto, M.Ed.; Head of Unram Legal Team, Dr. Muhamin, SH, M.Hum.; Head of UP Accreditation, dr. Nurhidayati, M.Kes.; Deans, Heads, and Secretaries of GMP faculties.
Dr. Ir. Sitti Latifah, M.Sc.F as the Head of LPMPP in her speech said that the implementation of this workshop was motivated by several things, including: assignment as head and secretary of LPMPP for the 2024-2028 period; the results of mapping the initial conditions of quality assurance organizations within Unram; refocusing activities that will be implemented by LPMPP managers.
Furthermore, Dr. Latifah mentioned the mandate of the Rector of Unram to LPMPP together with other units to encourage excellent programs, including accreditation, Key Performance Indicators (IKU), internationalization towards World Class University (WCU), and PTN-BH. In addition, several deans conveyed in the Annual Work Plan (RKT) Unram 2024 that LPMPP was asked to develop excellent programs that were integrated with GPM and UPM at the UPPS level.
“The head and secretary of GPM in February met with UP MBKM and UP Accreditation together and there were results of consultations with the Unram Legal Team which will be continued in several stages in an upcoming week or two. Before compiling future programs in the two meetings, we were asked to arrange the management first, including the organization of LPMPP which we will convey the results of the mapping later, how diverse the organizations and main tasks and functions are in UPPS, so we consider it very important to strengthen each other so we can be more effective and should move together in realizing our goals,” said Dr. Latifa.
This workshop also aims to improve understanding of quality assurance management and the development of learning so the implementation can continue to be refined, synergize with UP accreditation to encourage study programs and universities to achieve excellent accreditation and be able to understand the tasks in the framework of accreditation both nationally and internationally.
The expected output through this workshop are the inputs that can be used in the preparation of the Unram LPMPP management organizational structure book developed under the leadership of the Unram Legal Team which explains LPMPP management up to the faculty level, input regarding the 2024 quality assurance and learning development work program, increasing the understanding of quality assurance of documents that must be prepared for accreditation, increasing awareness of the development of quality assurance in each work unit, realizing the alignment of structures, work programs between quality assurance units at the university level and UPPS, and the availability of quality assurance completeness for accreditation purposes to support increased accreditation.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si in her remarks explained that the beginning of 2024 is a big momentum of educational transparency due to national demands for extraordinary university performance.
“The year of 2024 is a leap so we have to think about the big leaps we make. This leap is related to how we deliver the elimination of the middle income trap and improve the quality of education,” said Prof. Nana.
Prof. Nana said this workshop was related to the four priority programs in supporting the performance of universities that Unram has set.
“Today, the most important thing is of course we will talk about how to answer accreditation matters in accordance with the direction of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Quality assurance is currently going through extraordinary dynamics because of the changes that are made, for example when we talk about IKU, each formula is dynamic. The formula used in 2022 has undergone many changes starting from the way it is calculated so that yesterday we felt safe in IKU 1, IKU 2 and IKU 7 but now it has changed. Our other priority program is accreditation where this year’s big target is that there must be around 35 study programs that must be accredited excellent to achieve PTN BH, “said Prof. Nana.
At the end of his speech, Prof. Nana conveyed the message of the Rector of Unram not to be tired and give up to achieve Unram’s big dreams. Unram needs not only smart people but also diligent and passionate with high loyalty to Unram.