LPPM Unram and LPPM UTM Establish Strategic Cooperation: Focus on Research, Service, and Innovation

Mataram, University of Mataram – Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Mataram (LPPM Unram) received a visit from Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (LPPM UTM). This activity took place in the Main Conference Room of LPPM Unram, on Monday (18/12).
The meeting was attended by the Head of LPPM UTM, Dr. Ir. Gita Pawana, M.Si. accompanied by the Coordinator of the Center for Community Service, Helmy Boemiya, M.H.; Sabarudin Akhmad, ST., MT. as the Coordinator of the Center for Research and Innovation in Technology and Energy; Dr. Bambang Haryadi, SE., Ak., M.Si., Coordinator of the Center for Research and Innovation in Tourism and Creative Economy; Haryo Triajie, S.Pi., M.Si., Coordinator of the Center for Salt Research and Innovation; Syaiful Khoiri, SP, M.Si., Coordinator of the Center for Food Research and Innovation; Iskandar Dzulkarnain, S.TH.I., M.Si., Coordinator of the Center for Socio-Cultural Research and Innovation; Nailur Rohmah, S.Psi, M.A., Coordinator of the Center for Empowerment of Women and Madra Women; Askur Rahman, S.Tp., M.P., Coordinator of the Center for Spices and Medicinal Innovation; and Alfian Qomaruddin, S.Kom., MM, as the Journal Manager.
Meanwhile, from LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as the Head of LPPM was present, accompanied by the KKN and Cooperation Coordinator, Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT., IPU; Service Coordinator, Dr. Faturrahman, S.Pt., M.Si; Coordinator of Business Incubator and Innovation, Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE, MM; and Coordinator of Program, Information Data and Quality, I Wayan Sudiarta, Ph.D.; and Coordinator of Publication, Conference, and IPR, Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Sc., Ph.D..
Started this meeting, the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. welcomed the presence of LPPM UTM followed by explaining the Special Locations (LOCUS) and Focus of Research and Community Service (PKM) Unram.
” In the Research Master Plan (RIP) Unram has determined that Unram’s flagship research umbrella is the Management of Sustainable Small Island Areas. The determination of 5 locus is conducted with various considerations including urgency, excellence and uniqueness of natural resources, synergism with national and international policies, as well as the availability of research and human resources (researchers), “said Prof. Sukartono.
The Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture continued, “The elaboration of the University of Mataram Strategic Plan related to the implementation of the dharma of community service is a joint endeavor related to the achievement of the vision, mission and Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of the University of Mataram”.
The Coordinator of Programs, Information Data and Quality, I Wayan Sudiarta, Ph.D. added that, “To accelerate the achievement of the vision and mission, the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) policy, and the achievement of Unram’s Main Performance Indicators (IKU), as well as the benefits of Unram for partners, LPPM Unram is refocusing priority research on 5 locus areas with 5 research focuses”.
Based on the excellence of research resources, contributions to research performance and community service, as well as achievements in national competitive research, including laboratories, Science and Technology Centers of Excellence, and other aspects, Unram sets five main focuses in research activities. The five research focuses include: (1) food, (2) health and medicine, (3) energy, (4) environment and tourism, and (5) education, social, economic, legal, and humanities. The existence of 5 locuses with 5 research focuses is expected to encourage the realization of synergism between LPPM Unram and LPPM UTM more tangible and useful for the community, government, business world, and the world of work.
Dr. Ir. Gita Pawana, M.Si. explained that, “The implementation of this benchmarking is in order to initiate research and community service cooperation between LPPM Trunojoyo Madura University and LPPM Mataram University”.
LPPM as a unit implementing the dharma of Research and Community Service, plays an important role in assisting and empowering the community through the application of appropriate innovations and technologies as a result of research and development of Science, Technology and Art (Science and Technology). LPPM is also expected to be able to contribute to various problems and opportunities that occur due to disruption in all lines of life and answer global challenges including the ASEAN region, along with the increasingly dynamic Asean Economic Community (AEC).
Therefore, collaboration between universities is very necessary to be established so that they are able to plan, coordinate, evaluate, control and strive to continue to improve the relevance and standards of research and community service.
Dr. Faturrahman, as the Service Coordinator explained that, “Higher education has a strategic role in delivering technology and innovation. In order for the downstream to work properly, a collaboration between universities is needed that can later answer the needs of the community. This inter-university collaboration can be done through community service programs carried out by lecturers/researchers from different institutions in a research locus. This can be a concrete step in conducting community service collaboration between LPPM Unram and LPPM UTM”.
In addition to conducting research and community service, Unram is also actively collaborating in national and international conference activities in both the fields of SCIENCE and SOCIETY.
Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Si., Ph.D. as the Coordinator of Publications, Conferences and IPR in his presentation explained, “This year LPPM University of Mataram held 2 international seminars and 4 national seminars, currently universities must collaborate both between students, lecturers, and their respective universities. The digital era that is currently being faced is practically very helpful in the establishment of collaborative activities such as seminars / conferences both online and offline. Through virtual activities by utilizing technology, making activities like this can be widely reached. This of course can be beneficial for each university in disseminating their respective research products”.
Unram in conducting community service twice a year sends students through Real Work Lectures (KKN) Village Community Empowerment (PMD) based on problems in the community.
In this case, Dr. Misbahuddin as the Coordinator of KKN and Cooperation explained, “KKN-PMD in 2023 consists of 14 themes including Desapreneur, Advanced and Zero Agricultural Village, Tourism Village, Healthy Village, Advanced and Sustainable Agricultural Village especially Porang Commodity, Corn, Rice, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries in Dompu Regency, Village Disaster Resilience (DESTANA), Healthy Village with Stunting Theme, Digital Village, and Underdeveloped Village”.
In addition to focusing on research and community service, LPPM Unram also has a Business and Innovation Incubator Center (KUBINOV) commanded by Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE., MM. which aims to facilitate the results of research and innovation from research and community service elements both conducted by lecturers, researchers, students and even Unram alumni. Then accommodated as tenants to be given training to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem, KUBINOV together with the Head of LPPM formed the KUBINOV manager in 3 fields, including the innovation field, the incubation and downstream fields, and the start-up field.
In this meeting, LPPM Unram and LPPM UTM agreed to collaborate on research activities, community service, journal management, conferences and KKN. With strategic collaboration between universities with their respective expertise specifications can be formulated well, then the community, local government, and universities can work together in synergy to build community and national welfare