LPPM Unram Database Preparation Workshop Optimizes Research and Service Performance

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Institution for Research and Community Service of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held a database preparation workshop held in the Main Conference Room of LPPM Unram for 2 (two) days from October 30 – 31 2023.
This activity was attended directly by the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M. Agr. accompanied by the Secretary of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir. IGP Muliarta Aryana, MP. Also attended by the Coordinator of Cooperation and Community Service (KKN), Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT. IPU; Research Coordinator, Prof. Buan Anshari, S.T., M.Sc. (Eng), Ph.D.; Service Coordinator, Dr. Faturrahman, M.Si.; Data, Quality and Information System Coordinator, I Wayan Sudiarta, Ph.D.; Conference and IPR Coordinator, Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Sc., Ph.D.; and KUBINOV Coordinator, Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE, MM; as well as all LPPM staff.
One of the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is conducting research, where every lecturer is obliged to conduct research and community service as part of his duties. This also applies to Unram, which is a university with a fairly high research and service climate. Numerous research and community service schemes, either mandatory research or competitive grant research at Mataram University, are able to produce an innovation.
The Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. in his speech said, “with the advances of information technology, documentation and data storage of the Research and Community Service (PPM) outcomes is now better, easier, and faster to track. Therefore, universities need to develop according to the uniqueness and diversity of the field of science. This database can be useful for determine the direction of PPM policy in higher education.”
“In addition to sharing databases with fellow LPPM practitioners, PPM database planning is something that needs to be pursued continuously, so that the PPM database can be applied by all universities in research so that it can be disseminated to the community,” added the Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture Unram.
The LPPM Database Preparation Workshop aims to make PPM data neatly archived and easy to access, plan the PPM database structure in higher education, fill, maintain, renew and utilize the database that has been made to determine the direction of PPM policy in higher education.