From ICST Conference, Examines Smart Solutions and Innovations for a Better Life

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Mataram (LPPM Unram) again held the 7th International Conference on Science and Technology 2022 (ICST 2022). At this 7th event, ICST 2022 carries the theme “Smart Innovation Research on Science and Technology for a Better Life” on hybrid format from the Lombok Raya Hotel, Mataram and via Zoom Meeting and broadcasts live through the LPPM Unram Youtube channel for 2 days from November 14–15, 2022.
In his report, the Chairman of the ICST 2022 Committee, Prof. Buan Anshari, Ph.D. said that there were 14 speakers and 108 presenters, consisting of 23 participants who were present at the location to present the papers, and 85 participants who would present their papers virtually.
“This conference is expected to be an international forum to share knowledge, research expertise, and form a network of prospecting cooperation and networking in various fields of science and technology,” said Prof. Buan.
Ir. Iwan Suprijanto, S.T., M.T. as the Director General of Housing, Ministry of Public Works, and Public Housing, who also gave a speech, explained the challenges faced today in the development of science and technology. He hopes that through ICST 2022, it can produce innovations and practical solutions to improve the quality of life.
Iwan said, “The biggest challenge for you leading scientists is to make sure that research results are more useful, applicable, and a part of policy solutions so that they help a lot of people.”
“The topic of intelligent innovation research for a better life, I hope, will encourage us to take advantage of the widely recognised 7th ICST forum as a place for leading scientists to present the latest research findings and innovations to come up with smart and applicable solutions to improve our quality of life,” he concluded.
Furthermore, Yusron Saadi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. as Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems of Unram when representing the Rector of Unram opened the event officially, giving appreciation for the implementation of the 7th ICST in Unram.
“Two years ago I was also in this place (5th ICST, ed. ), replacing the rector opening the event, and I really appreciate that this ICST can continue to be implemented in a sustainable manner,” said Yusron.
According to him, this activity is very interesting because it is a place to exchange information related to the development of science and technological innovation. He said that the participation of more than the presenters is proof that the activities of the 7th ICST will have a positive impact.
The international conference is the latest in a series of science and technology conferences that have been held since 2016. The goal of the conference is to give researchers a place to talk about the state of science and technology in industry, universities, and businesses.
The 7th ICST presented speakers from several countries, such as Australia, the United Kingdom, Norway, Japan, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia. with topics of discussion in the fields of physical sciences, chemistry, biological sciences, molecular sciences, intelligent systems and approaches, materials science and engineering, analytical and computational modeling, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and various related fields.
The main sources presented are: 1. Prof. Dr. Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia), 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuc Vo (La Trobe University, Australia) 3. Prof. Dr. Eng. Vishnu Jatmiko (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) 4. Prof. Ahmed Elsheikh, Ph.D. (School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, U.K.) 5. Prof. Karl S. Ryder (School of Chemistry, University of Leicester, U.K.) 6. Prof. Stergios Goutianos (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (NTNU), Norway).
Other speakers included Prof. Dr. Mochamad Lutfi Firdaus, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia; Dr. Wen-Shao Chang, School of Architecture, The University of Sheffield, U.K.; Dr. Hiroyuki Miura, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan); Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Rohana Hassan, Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Malaysia;