LPPM Unram Holds KKN-JARAPASAKA (Corn, Porang, Rice, Cow, and Fish) Dompu and KKN West Sumbawa Regency in 2023

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Service Center for Community Service Program (KKN) and Cooperation of the Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held KKN Debriefing activities which were carried out Offline and Online. This activity was held in the Hall Room of the Unram Postgraduate Building and was attended by 30 students from each KKN group representative in Dompu and West Sumbawa Regencies on Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
This activity was attended directly by the Head of LPPM Unram, Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. accompanied by Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT. as the Coordinator of the KKN and Cooperation Service Center; Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini, SP., MP. as Secretary of the KKN and Cooperation Service Center Coordinator; and several LPPM Unram staff.
In his speech, Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. explained that the Jarapasaka-Dompu Thematic KKN is one of the new collaborations between the Dompu Regional Government and LPPM Unram in realizing the Unram Thematic KKN outside Lombok Island, namely on the island of Sumbawa. There are 8 KKN Village locations that will be implemented in Dompu Regency. It was also conveyed regarding the superior commodities of Jarapasaka (corn, porang, rice, cattle and fish) in Dompu Regency.
“To support food security in Dompu Regency, conservation agriculture practices are needed, and this is where KKN students are expected to play a role in supporting these conservation agriculture practices by socializing conservation agriculture, conducting reforestation, helping strengthen local institutions, providing assistance to MSMEs and providing other empowerment according to the needs of the local village,” said the Head of LPPM Unram.
He hopes that the conservation agriculture practices carried out by each KKN Jarapasaka-Dompu group will provide long-term benefits to the surrounding community in Dompu Regency.
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the KKN and Cooperation Service Center, Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT. said that the purpose of KKN Village Community Empowerment (PMD) Dompu is for students to learn with the community to be able to provide solutions in increasing community empowerment in Jarapasaka (Corn, Porang, Rice, Cattle and Fish) and Stunting. “Hopefully, KKN PMD will be able to accelerate the achievements of Dompu Regency in the Jarapasaka and Stunting programs,” he said.
The KKN briefing activity presented 3 resource persons including the Head of BAPPEDA and LITBANG of Dompu Regency, Drs. Ghaziamansyuri, M.AP., I Wayan Sweca Yasa, and LRP2M Cordova University.
The first presentation was made by the Head of BAPPEDA and LITBANG of Dompu Regency, Drs. Ghaziamansyuri, M.AP. with material related to the roadmap and action plan for the development of superior commodities of Jarapasaka in Dompu Regency. In accordance with the vision of Dompu Regency, the realization of Dompu people who are Mashur (Independent, Prosperous, Superior, and Religious). Potential agricultural commodities (corn, porang and rice) in Dompu district. The target of increasing production potential (tons) of corn, porang and rice launched by the government from year to year hopes to continue to increase.
“To realize these targets, there are several ways that can be done, namely by increasing the knowledge of farmers or farmer groups through training and field schools, providing support for the allocation of facilities and infrastructure through farmer institutions, coordinating institutions with villages and sub-districts in order to form and legalize farmer institutions, selecting crop varieties that are resistant to climate and weather or in other words resistant to pests, diseases, drought and lodging,” explained Drs. Ghaziamansyuri.
The potential of livestock commodities in Dompu district is based on data from the 2017-2021 period, livestock slaughter recorded in slaughterhouses is dominated by cattle. This is followed by buffaloes, goats, and horses. The two largest livestock production commodities in Dompu district are beef cattle and buffalo. The development plan for the potential of livestock commodities in Dompu district is to increase the livestock population, develop HMT and utilize agricultural waste, and provide guidance and assistance related to livestock commodities to farmers and the general public.
The potential of marine and fisheries commodities in Dompu district, namely aquaculture production from 2019 to 2020, has always increased. Therefore, the development of aquaculture is carried out by increasing the production of capture fisheries, increasing the production of aquaculture, and increasing the production and marketing of processed marine and fishery products.
Furthermore, I Wayan Sweca Yasa, the second speaker, presented material related to Product Development. He explained that product development is a strategy, process, and innovation from producers to improve and increase the quality of existing products to be marketed. Product development is carried out in order to provide more value in the eyes of consumers. The objectives of product development include meeting the desires of consumers, increasing sales turnover, maximizing production resources, and increasing sales profits.
“There are several product development strategies that can be done, namely improving old products, positioning, changing ideas, expanding product lines, imitating competitors, and adding products,” he explained.
He explained some examples of product development: In 2002, Coca-Cola Indonesia launched Frestea, bottled tea with a distinctive jasmine flower aroma. In 2003, Fanta presented a mixture of two fruit flavors, orange and mango, called “Fanta Oranggo”, after successfully launching Fanta Pineapple the previous year.
“Through this product development material, it teaches KKN students to continue to innovate in developing local community farming products so that they can add economic value to farming products and provide benefits to the local community,” said Sweca.
The third speaker was the West Sumbawa Regency KKN Village Situation Overview Material by LRP2M Cordova University. He explained the 5 lists of Sumbawa KKN villages, namely Pototano Village, Tebo Village, Banjar Village, Batu Putih Village, and Seminar Village.
Poto Tano Village is a village located in the north of West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Poto Tano harbor is the entrance to the Sumbawa region from the west of Lombok island. Tebo Village is one of the villages located in the north of West Sumbawa Regency. The livelihoods of the residents of Tebo Village are as farmers, planters, or breeders.
Banjar Village is located in the northwest of West Sumbawa. The population is homogeneous and still has kinship ties with people who work as farmers, planters and breeders. Batu Putih Village is one of the villages in Kecamatan Taliwang, West Sumbawa. Geographically, Batu Putih Village is located on the west coast of West Sumbawa Regency. The livelihoods of its inhabitants are farmers, planters, and breeders. With a vision and mission to become a developed, safe, and prosperous village, Seminar Village is one of the villages in Brang Rea Sub-district with the average population’s livelihood as farmers.
In the future, KKN Village Community Empowerment LPPM Unram will continue to make efforts to make improvements so that the changes made can be felt by the local community.