LPPM Unram Holds Workshop and Proposal Clinic to Improve Community Service Quality and Achievement of ASTACITA

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of the University of Mataram (Unram) held a Workshop and Community Service Proposal Clinic on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. The activity, which was held through the Zoom Meeting, aims to provide guidance and support for lecturers and researchers at Unram in preparing service proposals that can be funded by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) of the Ministry of Research and Technology.
On this occasion, Acting. Secretary of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP; Head of Service Center, Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini, SP, MP; Head of General Subdivision, Roni Paslan, S.Adm.; as well as lecturers and researchers in Unram. The resource person in this activity is Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Widnyana, M.Si., an active lecturer at Mahasaraswati University Denpasar and a reviewer of the Community Service Program at the Ministry of Research and Technology.
In recent years, Unram has shown significant progress in the number and quality of community service proposals. In 2024, as total as 18 proposals managed to get grants from DPPM, with various schemes including empowerment of fostered villages, regional superior product partners, empowerment by students, and community partnerships. This number increased compared to the previous year, where only 7 proposals were funded in 2023.
In this workshop and clinic, participants will receive training on effective proposal writing techniques, grant fund management, and strategies for implementing targeted service programs. Through competent resource persons, participants will be guided to produce proposals that not only meet administrative requirements, but also have the potential for great impact on the community.
Starting this activity Plt. Secretary of LPPM, Prof. Muliarta Aryana, in his speech emphasized, “LPPM Unram expects an increase in the number of proposals received in 2025, as well as an increase in the amount of grant funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology. In 2024, the total funds received by Unram reached around 1.1 billion rupiah, and it is hoped that in 2025 this amount will increase, along with the continued development of the quality of the proposals submitted.”
In addition, through this workshop and clinic, LPPM Unram aims to strengthen the university’s position in the research and community service cluster, and support the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), ASTACITA, and SDGs in sustainable development towards Golden Indonesia 2045. One of the main hopes is an increase in the field of entrepreneurship empowerment schemes and area-based schemes, which can focus more on empowering the local economy and developing regional potential.
“This workshop and clinic is also an important step in supporting Unram’s goal to obtain an increase in institutional accreditation and re-enter the independent cluster in 2025, as part of efforts to improve the quality of research and community service that is more effective,” said Prof. Muliarta.
With the implementation of this activity, LPPM Unram hopes to encourage more lecturers and researchers to actively contribute to service programs that not only benefit the community, but also support sustainable development.