LPPM Unram Holds Workshop on Strengthening the Capacity of KUBINOV Fostered Tenants

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Business and Innovation Incubator (KUBINOV) of the Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held the 3rd Tenant Capacity Building Workshop with the theme “Synergy Supporting Capability and Capacity of Assisted Tenants with High Integrity”. This activity was attended by 50 Fostered Tenants consisting of (Students, Lecturers, Alumni of the University of Mataram) and took place in the Main Session room of LPPM Unram for two days on June 13-14, 2024.
On this occasion, the Secretary of LPPM Unram, Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP, was present; accompanied by the Head of the Committee, Adrianda Anwar, S.Psi., MM; as well as the management staff of KUBINOV LPPM Unram.
Higher education has transformed into more than just getting a degree; now, campuses are also places to explore and develop the entrepreneurial potential of students. In the era of rapid economic growth and huge opportunities in e-commerce, entrepreneurship development on campus is essential to prepare students to become leaders who can innovate and face future challenges. Unram through KUBINOV under the auspices of LPPM is prepared to develop entrepreneurship among students and develop various empowerment programs to provide wider opportunities for lecturers, students, alumni, and the community in general.
Efforts to improve the quality of the innovation ecosystem through business and commercialization development are also carried out by academics such as universities. The existence of universities can play an important role in empowering local human resources in improving the quality of innovative research products. As an effort to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem in NTB, KUBINOV Unram offers a program by cooperating with the business products of Unram students, alumni, and lecturers to work together in creating innovative, creative, legal and sustainable products by expanding access to capital. With this, it will certainly help prepare young entrepreneurs with high-quality business fields that have superior capacity and capability as economic drivers in NTB.
In his report, Adrianda Anwar, S.Psi., MM. said, “Through this tenant capacity building program, business incubators can connect budding entrepreneurs with experienced mentors who can provide guidance, advice, and insight into their business journey. This helps greatly assist the fostered tenants in overcoming obstacles and avoiding mistakes that commonly occur in business.”
The young FEB Unram lecturer also emphasized, “In the future, the business incubator will continue to facilitate the fostered tenants by providing training and education in various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as business planning, product development, marketing strategies, finance, and management.”
Entrepreneurial empowerment on campus is not just about creating future entrepreneurs, but also about preparing students to succeed in a variety of fields. Campuses serve as a place to foster entrepreneurship by providing training, access to resources, and opportunities to innovate. In this way, students become more prepared for the ever-changing world and make valuable contributions to the development of the economy and society.
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP. as Secretary of LPPM in his speech explained, “Business incubator units with strong business networks with mentors and potential business actors have a central role in developing relationships between students, lecturers, alumni, investors or even customers so that a mutually supportive business environment will be formed.”
“With the existence of fostered tenants based on the results of research and service both lecturers, students and alumni, it is able to create an environment that supports, educates, and encourages business development. By providing access to resources, mentorship, education, and other assistance,” added the Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture.
The speakers in this activity included Kinanty Rahayu with Digital Marketing material; Yaumi Ramdhani SE, MM with material on Strategies in Analyzing Market Research; Arta Sasmita with Business Management material; Samsuriadi, M.Pd. with material on Business Protection Through Business Contracts and Compilation Techniques.
This collaboration between professional entrepreneurial actors and KUBINOV is a form of Unram’s commitment through LPPM to actively contribute to strengthening the local economy and tourism today, with the concept of a mentoring approach based on innovation and creativity. In this way, students become better prepared to face a changing world and make valuable contributions to economic and community development.