LPPM Unram Startup-Innovation Workshop: Growth with Digital Perspectives and Entrepreneurship

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Business and Innovation Incubator (KUBINOV) of the Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held a Startup-Innovation workshop with the theme “Startup To Build Your Business Experience In The Digital Era” at the Main Conference Room of LPPM Unram, on October 27-28, 2023.
On this occasion, the Research Coordinator, Prof. Ir. Buan Anshari, M.Sc. (Eng)., Ph.D. represented the Head of LPPM; Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE., MM. as KUBINOV Coordinator; Abdurrahman, SE., MM. as Chair of the Innovation Startup Workshop Committee in 2023; and all KUBINOV LPPM Unram administrators.
Starting the innovation startup workshop activities, Abdurrahman, SE., MM. as the Head of the Committee reported that this workshop activity was attended by 50 participants (tenants) who came from students, lecturers, Unram alumni, and the general public (UMKM).
Furthermore, the young lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Unram emphasized, “This activity aims to minimize the risk of business failure, prepare a good business plan, know an effective and efficient business model, and then design a business action plan that will be executed within a specified time frame”.
Startup itself refers to a business that focuses on rapid growth with innovative use of technology. Unram through LPPM reads that the potential of Startup is quite growing in Indonesia, so it has become a trend in business incubators that include students or students in higher education. This is due to the concept and incubation program offered to prospective entrepreneurs who have potential ideas in business.
Higher Education has an important role in producing a young generation with high character and competitiveness that will become a game changer in the midst of challenges and changes faced by the world community today. High adaptability, competitiveness and entrepreneurial spirit are the main prerequisites that need to be possessed by today’s young generation in order to become job creators or technopreneurs. Talents from competitive universities will greatly support the development of the business world. These talents will also play an important role in the digital economic transformation process.
Prof. Ir. Buan Anshari, M.Sc.(Eng), Ph.D. as the Research Coordinator in his speech said that universities through the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Education, Research and Community Service) can accelerate in improving the quality of human resources. Higher Education is one of the institutions that has an important role in creating creative and innovative human resources. So that they can produce various works to encourage the growth of the Indonesian economy. Universities are also expected to print their graduates to become Technopreneurs who will have business opportunities, business opportunities and opportunities to compete in utilizing current technological advances.
“I hope that the participants of the Innovation Startup Workshop can develop soft-skill and hard-skill abilities and most importantly build networks, both local, regional and global networks,” said Prof. Buan.
There are several pillars for competitiveness in the life of the nation, including the pillars of education and knowledge, as well as innovation in a country that can affect the level of the nation’s competitiveness rate. Education is one of the strategic weapons to advance the intelligence of the nation’s generation. Education is also expected as an effort to overcome poverty, ignorance, unemployment and many things that make our nation lag far behind other nations.
Through education, it is hoped that the nation’s generation will continue to innovate, work and be entrepreneurs, not only become entrepreneurs but can become technopreneurs who are ready to face challenges in the era of globalization, the era of revolution 4.0 and what is currently being prepared is the era of society 5.0, where currently the flow of information technology is growing rapidly.
Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE, MM as the Coordinator of Business Incubator and Innovation (KUBINOV) LPPM Unram emphasized his hope, “This workshop is a good opportunity for all of us to increase knowledge and improve the ability to pioneer and develop innovative startups”.
The speakers in this activity included Nuryanti, SE, ME as Head of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Industry Office with material on Business Licensing; Ir. Anas Amrullah as CEO of Besiru.Hub with material on Business Model Canvas; and Lalu Refma Gunarsyah, representative of the regional 1000 Startup Movement with material on Promotional Design Using Canva Application or applications based on AI (Artificial Intelligence); and Baiq Sekar Pertiwi, SH. as Founder Gemma Creative with material on Digital Marketing.