LPPM Unram’s IPR Management Team Organises Integrated Patent Socialisation

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Management Team of the Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) carried out Integrated Patent Socialisation activities on Friday (28/6) at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB).
On this occasion, the Head of the Intellectual Property Rights Management Team of LPPM Unram, Dr. Abdul Atsar, SH., M.Hum. accompanied by Maiser Syaputra S.Hut., M.Si. and IPR management staff, Ishak, S.T. were present.
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights explained the importance of patent protection for inventors including researchers and lecturers. This is intended so that researchers and lecturers can get legal protection for a work and as the owner of the work and business owner. Thus, researchers and lecturers can freely utilise the economic value of their copyrighted works and products without fear of violating the law.
It was conveyed that patent registration for researchers and lecturers is an important thing that should not be missed and must be registered immediately by researchers and lecturers when running their business. This registration process is carried out with the aim of knowing whether the brand owned by a researcher and lecturer can be registered or not.
In addition, the registration of trademarks in researchers and lecturers also aims to avoid lawsuits from other parties due to the similarity of trademarks. Then, another reason why researchers and lecturers need to register a trademark is because the trademark is a very important asset for researchers and lecturers.
Dr. Abdul Atsar, SH, M.Hum. at the end of the activity said, “Based on experience, among the obstacles faced by lecturers are time constraints for drafting patents from research that has been carried out. Then there is still no intensive assistance for lecturers to do patent drafting properly.”
“In the future we will focus on providing intensive patent drafting assistance, this is to ensure the protection of the assets of University of Mataram lecturers. Therefore, in the future we must continue to maintain the quantity of research, but more importantly improve the quality. So that in the future we hope that lecturers can immediately register their patents,” he added.
Patent registration can now be done through the Kemenkumham Integrated Patent Service system or called Patent One Stop Service which will be very beneficial for researchers and lecturers, because it is online. Kemenkumham RI added that registration through an integrated system is carried out with the aim of being easily found again during the information search process, therefore this system serves as a good archive/document storage. In the academic world, the government encourages universities to be the pioneers in increasing the number of HAKI registered with various research funding efforts, training, and so on.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as Head of LPPM Unram in his interview asserted, “Patent management is considered very important in the academic world, especially for higher education institutions. This is done as a protection of intellectual property produced by lecturers or inventors.”