Mangrove Plantation and Beach Clean Up are Part of Unram’s 61st Anniversary Series

Mataram, University of Mataram – As a series of events for University of Mataram’s (Unram) 61st Anniversary, Mangrove Plantation and Beach Clean Up were successfully held on Saturday (21/10) afternoon. The activity was focused at Bagek Kembar Mangrove Ecotourism, Sekotong District, West Lombok.
The Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., expressed his gratitude to the community who had provided opportunities for Unram to serve. As we all know, the mangrove ecosystem is beneficial in improving and maintaining the coastal environment.
“Mangroves are life support because with mangroves, there will also other living things that will live such as crabs, shrimps and so on. We received information that there used to be no mangroves in this area. But with these mangroves, the average people can now catch 1 kilogram of crabs per day,” he explained.
This is remarkable, continued Prof. Bambang, the impact is both in terms of the environment and the economy. In terms of the environment, it is clear that the presence of mangroves will produce better oxygen.
“Of course we hope, not only the University of Mataram, not only the community, we also need cooperation with the government and the industrial world. Hopefully this activity will be carried out by many people so that the society here can enjoy the benefits of the existence of this Mangrove and we can also enjoy better oxygen production in this place and of course it can flow in cities and flow in other places, hopefully this will become a field of charity for all of us,” said the Rector of Unram.
Meanwhile, Dr. H. Iwan Harsono, SE, M.Ec, as Chairman of the 61st Unram Anniversary Committee reported that the Mangrove Plantation and Beach Clean Up activities were one of 16 Unram Anniversary activities.
“We hope that it will be an example of restoring the marine and the beach ecosystem here. The ecosystem starts with the growth of these mangrove trees and this is also expected to increase economic value in the community,” he said.
Chairman of the Bagek Kembar Mangrove Conservation Group, Agus, who also represented the community, expressed his gratitude for the dedication of the Unram Academic Community and the Merdeka Student Exchange (PMM) for their contribution and dedication.