Mathematics Education Study Program of FKIP Unram Undertake Accreditation Assessment, Targets Superior Predicate

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram (FKIP Unram) conducted an accreditation field assessment. The event took place for two days from August 19-20, 2024, and was attended by two leading assessors, Prof. Syafruddin, M.Si., Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Suparman, M.Si., DEA. Both are experienced academics who have expertise in the field of mathematics education.
The assessment opening ceremony was attended by several university leaders such as the Rector, Vice Rector, Head of Bureau, and leaders from various units in Unram. The presence of all parties at the assessment is a proof of Unram’s commitment to provide the best service in order to achieve a superior study program at Unram.
The assessment process went smoothly with no significant obstacles. During the two days, the assessors conducted various evaluations of the educational standards applied by this study program, including the curriculum, facilities, and quality of teaching staff. The assessment team also held discussions with lecturers, students, and alumni to get a comprehensive overview of the quality of education provided.
Prof. Dr. Suparman, M.Si., DEA, one of the assessors, appreciated the readiness of the study program in facing this assessment. “ The Mathematics Education Study Program of FKIP Unram has shown a strong commitment in maintaining high educational standards. We hope that the results of this assessment will bring further improvements to the study program,” he said.
The speed and smoothness in this assessment process shows the readiness of the Mathematics Education Study Program of FIKP Unram in facing accreditation assessment. All stages can be completed properly and on time, reflecting the commitment of this study program in maintaining high educational standards.
With the end of this assessment, there is great hope from the entire academic community that the Mathematics Education Study Program of FIKP Unram will succeed in achieving a superior predicate. This predicate is expected to increase the reputation of the study program and become a motivation for all parties to continue to innovate and improve the quality of education in the future.