Mental Health Day 2024 at the Unram Dome Runs Successfully, Hundreds of Participants Attend to Concern about Mental Health
Mataram, University of Mataram – On Saturday, October 19, 2024, the UPA Counseling and Career Guidance of the University of Mataram (BKPK Unram) successfully held Mental Health Day 2024 with the theme “Am I Okay? – Finding Balance and Maintaining Mental Health”.
This activity was held in commemoration of World Mental Health Day and became part of a series of 62nd Unram Dies Natalis events. The event was held at the Unram Dome and attended by hundreds of participants from various backgrounds, including students, lecturers, and the public.
The event was opened by the Head of UPA BKPK Unram, apt. Yoga Dwi Saputra, S.Farm., M.Pharm.Sci. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of awareness of mental health as an integral part of welfare.
“Mental health is the foundation for us to be able to live our daily activities better. I hope, through this activity, we can together find ways to treat and maintain mental balance,” said apt. Yoga.
As part of the celebration of World Mental Health Day, the event featured two well-known psychologists who presented relevant material for the participants.
Baiq Safitri Lestari, M.Psi, Psychologist, from IPK NTB Clinical Psychologist, Adeena Psychology Bureau, and Dinamikapsikologis Bureau, presented material entitled “Knowing Yourself: The First Step to Better Mental Health”. In her session, Baiq Safitri emphasized the importance of recognizing oneself as the basis for maintaining mental health. She invited participants to reflect on their personal values, strengths and weaknesses, and introduced the concept of self-compassion.
“Knowing ourselves is the key to being able to accept ourselves as we are, and from there we can start building a balanced life,” said Baiq Safitri.
In addition, Wahyu Hasni Ilmi, M.Psi, Psychologist, from BNN of NTB Province as well as the author of the book “30 Days to Make Peace with Sadness, presented material on Self Help: Simple Techniques to Maintain Mental Health”. Wahyu explained the importance of self-help in managing stress and emotions. He provided some simple techniques such as breathing exercises, journal writing, and meditation that can help relieve anxiety.
“Maintaining mental health is a journey, and every little step we take for ourselves matters,” Wahyu explained.
In addition to chat sessions with psychologists, the event was also enlivened with various activities, such as a bazaar of creative products and books related to mental health, Psychogames designed to help participants better understand their emotional state, Mental Health Screening that provided short consultation services with professionals, attractive door prizes given to lucky participants, and free snacks that accompanied throughout the event.
The event went smoothly and received positive responses from the participants. They felt more aware of the importance of maintaining mental health, and gained new insights that can be applied in their daily lives. A lot of them hoped that an event like this could be held again in the future.
With the end of Mental Health Day 2024, UPA BKPK Unram successfully strengthened its commitment to improving the mental welfare of students and the community. This event is also an important part of Unram’s 62nd Dies Natalis celebration, which further strengthens Unram’s commitment to having a positive impact on society and the surrounding environment. Hopefully the awareness formed from this event can have a positive impact on the daily lives of all of us.