Mini Symposium: Collaboration between Unram and Keio University Japan, Korean-Indonesian MTCR and BRIN Discuss Integration of Transdisciplinary Studies for Promotion of Human and Environmental Health

Mataram, University of Mataram – UPA Integrated Lab, PUI-Bioscience and Biotechnology (PUBB), and Biology Master Study Program of Universitas Mataram (Unram) held a mini symposium with the theme “Integration of Transdisciplinary Studies for Promotion of Human and Environmental Health” on Monday (8/7) in the Senate Room, Unram Rectorate.
The symposium was opened by the Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo M.Agr.St., Ph.D. In his remarks, he emphasized that the purpose of this activity is to discuss potential research proposals that can be submitted to international institutions and discuss potential scholarships for Unram students who want to go to Korea or Japan.
“This symposium will certainly provide benefits for us, because we can discuss the integration of transdisciplinary studies for the promotion of human and environmental health, and the purpose of this symposium is also to discuss potential research or proposals that can later be submitted to international institutions which are expected to be accepted. Not only about research, here we can also discuss about potential scholarships for Unram students if they want to go to Korea or Japan to get a Master Program, they can apply for scholarships,” he said.
Eka S. Prasedya, Ph.D. as the Keynote Speaker also added that in addition to increasing knowledge and insight, it is hoped that this activity can provide solutions related to global issues that are currently happening.
“Through international exposure, students and fellow researchers are expected to have more knowledge about current global issues. And then we can learn the solutions together by conducting joint research in the future,” he said.
In addition, materials were delivered from Keio University, Japan by Prof. Masato Yasui, Ph.D. and Prof. Yasuhiro Kato, Ph.D.; as well as Dr. Park Hansan as Director of Korea-Indonesia MTCR; Prof. Dr. Ir. Ekowati Chasanah, M.Sc as Research Professor at the Marine and Aquatic Bioindustry Research Center, NRIA; and apt. Anggit Listyacahyani S., M.Sc., Ph.D from Unram.
The discussion topics presented in a row are the Role of Aquaporin-4, Water Channels in Neurodegenerative Disorders; Aqua Platform: Evaluating Water, Disease, and Food Using NIR Spectroscopy; Mapping Marine Potential: Case Studies in Kei Island, Awang Bay and Lake Batur; Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Solar Saltern Nusa Tenggara and its Future Applications; and Lipid Compounds from Natural Sources for Pharmaceutical Fields.
This activity is expected to strengthen Unram’s collaboration with various related parties in the future and can provide benefits not only for Korea, Japan and Indonesia, but for the whole world.