Ministry of Education and Culture Ristek Dikti and Unram Held International Seminar Discussing Reputable International Accreditation

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – Universitas Mataram (Unram) together with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Higher Education (Kemendikbud Ristek Dikti) held the first series of International Seminar entitled “Overcoming Challenges In The Process Of Obtaining Accreditation Reputable International”. Attended directly by several representatives of universities throughout Indonesia from Friday 30 September to 1 October 2022 at the Pullman Lombok Mandalika Beach Resort Hotel.
This activity began with a virtual speech by Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D as Acting Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology. Prof. Nizam conveyed the need to obtain external quality assurance because quality claims cannot be done unilaterally. “Accreditation institutions are the quality and quality that exist in every university. As a quality-promoting institution, of course, the institution must be credible,” said prof. Nizam.
The Acting Ministry of Education and Culture, Ristek Dikti, also explained that Indonesia is a fairly progressive country in Southeast Asia. This is because Indonesia already has an independent accreditation institution like a developed country. “Our ministry encourages to follow international accreditation, to prove that our national standards are recognized by the world, equal, internationally commensurate and recognized as a measure of quality,” he explained. Prof. Nizam also reminded that higher education institutions should not be deceived by fake accreditation institutions that even in their own country are not recognized. “Again, what we want is not just to be accredited by accreditation institutions outside Indonesia but must be recognized by the professional world internationally,” he said.
This International Seminar activity was attended directly by Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr, St., Ph.D as the Rector of Mataram University. Prof. Bambang hopes that this seminar can be an opportunity for stakeholders to get innovative ideas and best practices from other countries to stay abreast of emerging trends and practices in the ever-evolving world of higher education and to innovate positive changes in their institutions with International Accreditation.
“Unram also continues to improve itself so that there are more internationally accredited study programs. Hopefully, this activity will be our effort to increase the intelligence of the nation and improve the reputation of our universities so that they are on an equal footing with universities that have an international reputation,” said prof. Bambang.
On the occasion, Prof. Bambang also introduced the beauty of the earth of Lombok to the invited guests who came from these various regions. “If you have time, please visit our beautiful place in Kuta Beach. Please visit the circuit located not far from this hotel. InshaAllah, this place will continue to grow and hopefully many events like this will be carried out in Lombok,” said the Rector of Unram.
This activity was officially opened by Mrs. Dr. Ir. Sri. Gunani Partiwi, M.T. as Director of Learning and Student Affairs. “Hopefully, the implementation of this international seminar can help universities or study programs in improving their learning systems towards international recognition through international accreditation,” he hoped.
Followed by discussions as well as presentations of material from representatives of higher education institutions whose study programs have been internationally accredited. Among them are Best Practice – Social Science Speciality for FIBAA Institutions, Government Policy related to International Accreditation, Best Practice – Special Science for ASIIN / RSC Institutions, Best Practice – Special Engineering Sciences for ASIIN Institutions, and Best Practice – Specialization of Health Sciences.
In this activity, the Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs, and representatives from each faculty at the University of Mataram were also present.