Momentum of 52nd Doctor Oath Taking, FKIK Unram Inaugurates 10 New Doctors

Published On: 15 January, 2025By Tags: , ,

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) of the University of Mataram (Unram) again conducted the 52nd Doctor Oath Taking by inaugurating graduates of the medical profession on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at the Dr. Yunita Sabrina Hall, FKIK Unram. This event took place solemnly by inaugurating 10 new doctors consisting of 1 male doctor and 9 female doctors.

According to the report of the Head of the FKIK Medical Department, Dr. dr. Ardiana Ekawanti, M.Kes., the total number of FKIK Unram medical graduates at the 52nd doctor’s oath-taking ceremony is currently 933 people. New doctors who have been sworn in have passed the National Competency Test for Doctor Professional Program Students (UKMPDD) 2024 Period with a percentage of passing the practical exam 100% and the written exam reaching 76.95%.

“Hopefully we can maintain and improve this in order to maintain the superior predicate of FKIK Unram in the next competency tests,” he said.

Furthermore, the doctor’s oath taking was carried out directly by the Dean of FKIK, Dr. dr. Arfi Syamsun Sp.KF., M.Si.Med., which was followed by the signing of the doctor’s oath by the new doctor graduates.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D., in his speech gave a mandate to young doctor graduates to always remember the ethics of the medical profession when serving in the community.

“The title pinned is not only an academic degree but also a responsibility that is carried out as a doctor after the degree is obtained. Surely there are many things that will be faced in the field later and quick decision making but still remembering professional ethics that are not crossed or violated,” he said.

In addition, the Dean of FKIK Unram, Dr. dr. Arfi Syamsun Sp.KF., M.Si.Med., responded to national issues related to the uneven distribution of doctors that caused upset in the hearts of young doctors and parents. On this occasion, Dr. Arfi explained Unram’s efforts to establish cooperation with hospitals outside Lombok. In addition, he also provided other alternatives to new doctors, which is to continue their Masters degree by utilizing scholarship opportunities.

“So we hope that your alternatives to continue your studies are not only specialists but perhaps there are those who will take a Masters in the health sector and return to serve at the University of Mataram. In addition, the Ministry also opens many scholarship opportunities such as LPDP and other scholarships. If we can’t get it, the Rector of Unram and the local government will try to make admission schemes in the undergraduate program that we can also apply to the specialist program, “said Dr. Arfi.

The doctor’s oath-taking ceremony was closed with the hope that the new doctors will always uphold the ethical values of the profession, devote their knowledge and expertise to the community, and become the frontline in improving the quality of health services in Indonesia. With great pride, FKIK Unram released these 10 new doctors to work and contribute to the nation.