MSIB Under the Guidance of Shinta Desiyana: Encourage Potential Exploration of Student Soft Skills

Mataram, University of Mataram – Lecturer in the Communication Science Study Program at the University of Mataram (Ilkom Unram Study Program), Shinta Desiyana Fajarica, S.IP., M.Si, has an active role in assisting students through the Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB) Program which is part of the Independent Campus Independent Learning (MBKM) policy.
With her background as a Communication Science lecturer, Shinta Desiyana tries to encourage students to implement the knowledge they receive on campus into the real world of work.
According to Shinta, the MSIB program allows students to explore their full potential. She emphasizes the importance of soft skills such as teamwork, decision-making, and synergy with parties from different cultural and educational backgrounds.
“My motivation is to allow students to explore all their potention during their internship. This is also a benchmark to assess their ability to synergize with various parties,” said Shinta.
However, the main challenge Shinta faces in assisting students is the process of converting grades to courses. She explains that not all internship activities are in line with the existing curriculum.
“Sometimes some courses are very contradictory to the activities they conducted. Of course, in this case, as a supervisor, must be wise in addressing the existing problems,” she said.
Despite these challenges, Shinta witnessed positive developments from students who participated in this program. She considers the experience gained by students, including facing challenges outside their majors, to be an important asset for them in the future.
“For example, students have to learn a programming system that is not available in the Communication Science program. This is a challenging experience for the students. But so far they have been able to do well and get almost perfect scores,” she said.
Many students gave positive feedback, and some even expressed interest in extending the program in the future. “They find the MSIB internship experience highly valuable. They can open up professional networking opportunities and enrich their skills,” she added.
Under Shinta’s guidance, some of the students achieved outstanding results. Some of them earned near-perfect grades and some were even offered the opportunity to rejoin the agency where they interned after graduation.
Shinta also provided important input regarding the development of the MSIB program. She hopes that more agencies will open opportunities for students to explore the professional world. In addition, she emphasized the importance of aligning the needs of students and industry through continuous curriculum evaluation.
The MSIB program assisted by Shinta lasts from January to June 2024, with programs that focus on publication and promotion through social media, developing company profiles, and implementing events that are relevant to the agencies where students intern.
With this program, students of Unram are expected to be more prepared to face challenges in the professional world.