National Seminar on Fisheries 2024: Towards Sustainable Blue Food

Mataram, University of Mataram – The National Seminar on Capture Fisheries 10 & Fisheries and Marine Management 2024 as part of the National Ocean Seminar II is a forum for maintaining the availability of fish resource stocks in Indonesia. This seminar carries the theme “Maintaining the Availability of Fish Resources Stocks with an Ecosystem Approach to Support the Realization of Blue Food in Indonesia”.
The event, held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at the Golden Palace Hotel, Mataram, was organized by the Fisheries Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram (Unram) in collaboration with the Sustainable Fisheries Management Scientific Forum (FIP2B) of NTB Province and the Capture Fisheries Consortium Partnership Forum (FK2PT).
Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., Rector of Unram, officially opened the seminar. In his speech, Prof. Bambang emphasized the importance of cross-sector collaboration for the sustainability of fisheries resources.
“This seminar is an important platform to encourage dialog and collaboration between various stakeholders. We hope that the outcomes of today’s discussions can generate concrete solutions that support sustainable fisheries management and national food security. This is a strategic step in our efforts to achieve the vision of Blue Food in Indonesia,” he said.
The keynote speaker, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, M.M., also gave his views on national policies and the ecosystem approach in managing fish resources.
The seminar also featured three keynote speakers, including Muslim, S.T., M.Si., Head of the NTB Provincial Marine and Fisheries Agency, who discussed the implementation of local policies and the challenges faced. Prof. Neil Loneragan from Murdoch University, who explained about the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management to manage fish resources in the capture fisheries sector.
Then, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budy Wiryawan, M.Sc. from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), who discussed the importance of sustainable fisheries management to support the concept of Blue Food, as well as fisheries-related policies and recommendations for Blue Food resilience and equity.
And the sub-themes raised in this seminar include Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems and Resources, Fisheries and Marine Engineering Technology and Applications, Fisheries Policy and Management, Fisheries Product Processing, Fisheries Revitalization and Aquaculture, and Tuna Fisheries Management in Indonesia.
The seminar was designed to be a dynamic platform for all relevant parties, including observers, businesses, managers, academics, and fisheries and marine activists to share ideas and experiences. With diverse backgrounds and institutions involved, this event aims to encourage the implementation of more measurable and superior capture fisheries practices.
It is hoped that the outcomes of this seminar will provide a solid basis for better decision-making in fisheries resource management. In addition, the seminar aims to strengthen national food security and formulate effective management strategies to ensure sustainability in the future.