New Student Admission Mandiri Pathway Recorded 6.668 applicants
Mataram, University of Mataram – New Student Admission selection for the Mandiri Pathway of the University of Mataram (Unram) recorded a total of 6,668 applicants.
The Mandiri test took place for 5 days, started from Thursday 7 July to Tuesday 11 July 2023 with a total of 9 test sessions. It is located in 5 test points, they are the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Engineering, and UPT. Pustik.
This year, Mandiri Pathway selection has a capacity of 2,032 people. There are 3 highest number of accommodates in the study program (study program), these are the Law Study Program (144 candidate students), next, the Management, Animal Husbandry, and Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) study programs, each of them has a capacity of 90 candidate students and also the Agribusiness, English Language Education study program with a capacity of 75 candidate students.
Since 2022, Unram has implemented 3 categories of registrant groups, they are Poor Families Achievers, Regular, and Partnership categories.
In the group of poor family’s achiever applicants, the participants who are declared successful will get a refund of registration payment, free institutional development fees, and free tuition fees. If the applicant is not eligible, it will be entered to compete with the Regular pathway group of applicants
The second path is regular applicants who are the participants in the economically capable category. Participants who are declared to have passed the selection will pay Institutional development fees and tuition fees according to the predetermined grade.
And the third path is partnership applicants who are the participants in the category of very economically capable and they are given a choice when registering, namely the ability to pay Institutional development fees according to their ability and proven by a statement of ability.