Nurturing the Future: Hope and Strong Determination of Papuan Affirmation Students at Unram

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) continues to accept new students through the Higher Education Affirmation Program (ADik) for the Papuan and West Papuan children in Unram 2024 Mandiri Selection. Among the 19 students of the Higher Education Affirmation Program (ADik) for the Papuan and West Papuan children, two students that is Jonathan and Margaretta shared their experiences and hopes in an exclusive interview by the Unram Public Relations team on Saturday (10/8) in the Auditorium M. Yusuf Abu Bakar Unram Building Yard.
Jonathan, a student from Merauke who was accepted at the Faculty of Agriculture, expressed his pride in being part of this Affirmation Program. Jonathan, who is the son of a farmer, has a big dream to advance agriculture in his hometown.
“I am very grateful to have the opportunity to study at Unram through the Higher Education Affirmation Program (ADik) for the children of Papua and West Papua, because Unram is the best university in West Nusa Tenggara. This is my first time to Lombok Island. My mother is a farmer and she advised me to return home with satisfactory results. Therefore, I hope that here I can learn many things that I can later apply in my hometown, especially in advancing agriculture in Papua,” said Jonathan.
On this opportunity, he also shared his struggle in order to pass the Higher Education Affirmation Program (ADik) at Unram. “I prepared myself by studying hard and praying to God to get the best grades. I also participated for the regional youth selection,” he added.
Jonathan advised the young generation in Papua to be passionate and to study hard and not afraid to dream big. “I hope that the young generation in Papua is not afraid to dream big. Be passionate and study hard so that you can pass the Higher Education Affirmation Program (ADik) selection at Unram. Sa dengan Ko Papua, trada Ko tra rame ( you and me are Papuan, without you it is no fun),” he said.
On the other hand, Margaretta, a student from Nabire Regency is extremely happy because she has been accepted at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP Unram).
“I feel lucky to be able to continue my education at Unram through this program. Previously I had migrated in Bandung to pursue high school education. Then I chose Unram, because my sibling studied here and Unram is a good and best university that I know. Education is the key of change, and I want to be a part of that change in Papua,” Margaretta said enthusiastically.
When she was asked about the challenges she faced, Margaretta admitted that she felt some discomfort adapting to a different environment and culture, but the support from the campus and her new friends made her more confident. “I felt awkward and tense because it was a new environment, but I feel warmth and togetherness here. Everyone is very supportive and friendly,” she said.
Furthermore, Margaretta also shared her struggles and advised the young Papuan generation to continue to be enthusiastic in their educational process.
“I joined this affirmation program because I wanted to reduce the burden on my parents, so I studied hard to maintain my grades and get the best grades. I advise the young generation of Papua to continue to be enthusiastic with their education process and always involve God in every process,” she added.
Jonathan and Margaretta hope that this Affirmation Program continues and provides wider opportunities for Papuan children to pursue higher education. They also invite other young Papuans to not afraid to migrate and study outside the region.
With strong spirit and determination, these two students are ready to face challenges during their studies at Unram. They hope that through education, they can contribute to build a better future for Papua.