Opening Ceremony of the Dies Natalis FKIK Unram: Medical Run, Blood Donation, and Colour Party

Mataram, University of Mataram – The 21st Dies Natalis of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Mataram (FKIK Unram) this time carries the theme “Burst in Harmony”, which represents an explosion of enthusiasm united in harmony. The series of events of the 21st Anniversary of FKIK Unram officially opened on August 25, 2024 in the parking lot of the new FKIK Unram building and was attended by more than 500 participants consisting of students, staff, and lecturers of FKIK Unram.
The Opening Ceremony of the 21st Dies Natalis FKIK Unram began with 4 km Medical Run with the route through the Pemuda Street, Majapahit Street, and the streets around Unram.
The event began with a number of remarks, the first by the Chairman of the FKIK Unram Anniversary Committee, Lania Pradiva Untari, followed by the President of BEM KM FKIK Unram, Syihabul Muttaqin. The next speech was delivered by the Chairman of IKA FKIK Unram, then by the Vice Dean III of FKIK Unram, Dr. dr. Rifana Cholidah, M.Sc. Then, the Dean of FKIK Unram, Dr. dr. Arfi Syamsun, Sp.KF, M.Si.Med., also gave his speech.
Last, the speech from the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. In her speech, she said, “FKIK Unram has great potential to continue to develop into a center of superior health education and research, both at the national and international levels. I hope this momentum can be a stepping stone to achieve higher achievements in the future.”
The event then continued with the official opening of the 21st Dies Natalis FKIK Unram which was symbolically opened by the Vice Rector I of Unram, Dean of FKIK Unram, Vice Dean III of FKIK Unram, Chairman of IKA FKIK Unram, and Chairman of BEM KM FKIK Unram. The opening was marked by the flight of doves, as a symbol of the opening and inauguration of the 21st Dies Natalis series of FKIK Unram.
The event continued with a band performance combined with the Colour Party. This Colour Party uses three colors, red, white, and green. The red and white colors symbolize Indonesian independence, while the green color symbolizes FKIK Unram. The band performance and Colour Party succeeded in creating a festive atmosphere among all attendees.
Throughout the event, OBON (One Blood One Nation) activities were held, a blood donation activity organized by the Ministry of Community Service of BEM KM FKIK Unram in collaboration with PMI. The event then continued with various games involving the entire FKIK Unram academic community. Furthermore, performances from Medvoice participants were accompanied by the announcement of the elimination round. The event ended with a closing session.
There are some significant differences between this year’s Opening Ceremony compared to previous years. These include the presence of the Medical Run and band performances combined with the Colour Party, which further enlivened the event.
The whole series of events not only added to the excitement, but also reflected the spirit of togetherness and innovation of the FKIK Unram family. The Chairperson of the FKIK Unram Anniversary Committee, Lania Pradiva, expressed her hope that the opening of the Anniversary would be a new beginning for FKIK Unram, bring the name of FKIK to be more widely known, and inspire students to be more active and excel in the field of health.
In line with Lania’s statement, President of BEM KM FKIK Unram, Syihabul Muttaqin felt that this year’s Opening Ceremony was very memorable. He hoped that this momentum, which was attended by the entire FKIK Unram community, could strengthen the bond between members of the FKIK Unram family.
“With this spirit of collaboration, I hope FKIK Unram can continue to collaborate as one big family that works hand in hand in improving the quality of public health, especially in the West Nusa Tenggara Province,” he said.
With the numerous new breakthroughs that have been implemented, the 2024 Anniversary of FKIK Unram is expected to leave an unforgettable impression and become an inspiration for celebrations in the coming years.