Unram Sent 12 Best Athletes on POMNAS XVII

Mataram, Universitas Mataram –
The opening of the XVII National Student Sports Week (POMNAS) was held at the Padang State University (UNP) Auditorium, West Sumatra, Thursday 17/11. POMNAS XVII last for ten days, from November 17 to November 26, 2022. POMNAS activities are an inter-provincial national sports event for undergraduate and diploma university students in Indonesia. POMNAS is held once every 2 years.
The 2022 POMNAS XVII event was officially opened by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim. In his remarks, Mas Nadiem advised the students who will compete to always uphold the values of sportsmanship.
“The real achievement is not judged by the medals, but in fighting the fear and having the courage to perform in the national stage. As well as accepting defeat while still advancing to compete, that is what is called courage,” said Nadiem Makarim.
On the same occasion, Prof. Drs. Ganefri, M.Pd, Ph.D. Rector of Padang State University in his speech that there were 8,948 participants, including 3,079 athletes and 5,869 officials and coaches, as well as 455 referees from 408 universities in 34 provinces.
POMNAS XVII will compete in 14 sports in 2022, including athletics, basketball, badminton, volleyball, futsal, karate, rock climbing, pencak silat, petanque, swimming, sepak takraw, taekwondo, tarung drajat and tennis courts.
Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Enny Yuliani M.Si. who is also the General Chairperson of BAPOMI NTB Province was also present at the opening ceremony of POMNAS XVII in Padang, West Sumatra and really appreciated this 2nd annual activity.
Prof. Enny Yuliani said BAPOMI NTB sent 33 athletes from universities in NTB Province. From Universitas Mataram, there are 12 people, while from other universities, there are 21 people.