Optimize the Accreditation Acceleration of LAMDIK: FKIP Unram Holds Finalization Workshop on Simulation Results and Review of LED & DKPS

Mataram, University of Mataram – Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si opened a workshop to finalize the results of simulation and review of LED (Self Evaluation Sheet) & DKPS (Study Program Quantitative Data) accreditation of LAMDIK Study Programs within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), University of Mataram (Unram) in preparing and taking steps in accelerating accreditation, held at the Grand Legi Hotel on Tuesday (28/11).
Prof. Nana said that FKIP Unram is a faculty that has very strong chemistry. One of Unram’s extraordinary progresses accompanied by UP Accreditation, namely in 2022 there are 3 study programs that are still superior. At present there are 5 study programs that have been superior out of 74 Unram study programs. Unram is still struggling and will reach at least 10% of the total study programs at Unram in accelerating its accreditation.
Prof. Nana explained that currently in the latest release of Asia University Rankings (AUR) 2024 Unram is included in the 9 Best Universities outside Java. Ranked 15th from state universities throughout Indonesia and ranked number 2 universities from the Eastern Indonesia region.
In addition, currently the Rector of Unram is concentrating on heading towards a World Class University, so that it will pursue and increase international classes and increase foreign students. These efforts will continue to be improved in order to realize World Class University and will encourage accreditation of study programs, after which Unram can flap its wings even wider.
Some of the problem maps that have been mapped by UP Accreditation are the ratio of lecturers with professors and head rectors.
“We hope that in FKIP Unram this ratio is not that big. Hopefully the ratio is quite healthy between S3 degrees and those with the title of Chief Rector and Professor. On the other hand, the study period, this is quite a big problem, hopefully FKIP Unram can quickly graduate many students, so that the student study period is not too long. This is a limiting factor where our accreditation is still hampered by problems that currently want to go to excellence, “he said.
The speakers who attended this activity came from Jambi University, namely Prof. Dr. M. Rusdi, S.Pd., M.Sc., as the Dean of FKIP Jambi University; Delita Sartika, SS., MITS., Ph.D., as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Cooperation, and Information Systems FKIP Jambi University; Hidayati, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Quality Assurance Group of FKIP Jambi University.
Also giving remarks, the Dean of FKIP Unram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., thanked the speakers who had attended Unram and hoped that this activity could run smoothly.
Drs. Lalu Zulkifli motivated the Workshop participants to be able to see important information and strategies that can be done in order to fulfill the LED & DKPS LAMDIK filling in order to obtain a maximum score.
“I hope we can make the best use of this activity. Today we will focus on simulation activities and document review of the Sociology Education Study Program which for the last 3 months we have struggled together with UP Accreditation Faculty and the Head of the Sociology Education Study Program in filling it to the maximum, so that our expectations as individuals from each study program and faculty can be fulfilled together, “he said.
In his remarks, the Head of UP Accreditation FKIP Unram, Dr. Dadi Setiadi, M.Sc., explained that the purpose of this workshop was that all study programs in FKIP Unram were able to compile LED & fill DKPS properly in accordance with the study of LAMDIK. In the near future, not only from the Sociology Education Study Program which will immediately upload but the hope is for the other 13 study programs to immediately prepare themselves to upload LED & DKPS.
“The background of the workshop is that we have been working with study programs that are not sure about the LED that we will submit including DKPS. Therefore, we all present speakers from Jambi University. Hopefully what will be conveyed can be an additional insight and knowledge related to how we compile LED and DKPS in each study program.
The Workshop participants consisted of the Head of Study Program in FKIP Unram, Secretary of Study Program, Head of Accreditation Study Program, Admin Study Program, GPMF (Faculty Quality Assurance Group), and UP Accreditation FKIP Unram.