Participants of Unram Mandiri Pathway Selection Share Stories and Hopes

Mataram, University of Mataram – The implementation of the New Student Admission (PMB) selection test for the Mandiri pathway at the University of Mataram (Unram) is still ongoing from July 8 to 14, 2024. The exam, which was attended by thousands of participants, took place in seven locations on the Unram campus. Amidst the enthusiasm and tension before the exam, on Saturday (13/7) several participants shared their preparation stories and hopes.
Ahmad Fadli Kurniawan, a participant from Pagesangan Timur, chose to major in Informatics Engineering and Electrical Engineering at Unram. “I think Unram is better,” said Fadli.
As an alumnus of the Secondary Technical School with a major in electricity, Fadli felt it was suitable to continue in the engineering field. His preparation before the test involved a significant amount of studying and maintaining his health by not staying up late. “My parents are very supportive through prayers and encouragement,” he added.
Fadli hopes to pass and become a student of Unram, with the main choice in Electrical Engineering.
In addition, Viona Dewu, an alumnus of Senior High School 4 Mataram, chose Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering at Unram based on her parents’ choice. “I just have to take the lessons,” said Viona.
After not passing UTBK, Viona felt the need to improve her spiritual relationship and study and pray more seriously. “Why did you choose Unram? Because I was not allowed to migrate,” she explained.
Viona felt that the Unram campus was very comfortable and beautiful after conducting a site survey. Strong parental support in the form of prayers and encouragement really helped Viona in her exam preparation.
Abdi Rizki Sujadi, from Senior High School 1 Pringgabaya, East Lombok, chose the Forestry and Animal Science program at Unram. “Unram is according to my family, I was told to stay here,” said Abdi. Support from his parents meant a lot to him, and he was even escorted by his uncle from Gerung, West Lombok.
Abdi chose the Forestry Study Program because of his hobby of mountain climbing. “I hope that when I graduate, I will become a better person,” he added.
Finally, there is Eva Sulistya Putri from Kopang who chose Pharmacy and Accounting Study Programs at Unram. After not passing the UTBK, Eva studied harder for this exam. “I chose Unram because Unram is well-known for its good accreditation,” said Eva.
Pharmacy and Accounting are her parents’ choices, but Eva also has her own interests in those fields. “I hope to pass and be able to enter Pharmacy study program, then continue to Pharmacist,” said Eva.
The stories from these participants show a variety of reasons and motivations for choosing Unram as a place to continue their education. Family support, self-reflection, and careful preparation are the main keys for them to face this selection test. Unram hopes to attract qualified students who are ready to contribute to the development of science and society.