Postgraduate Unram Held 2nd International Conference of ICSES 2022

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Master of Science Education Study Program (Prodi) Pascarjana Universitas Mataram (Unram) held The 2nd International Conference on Science Education and Science 2022 (ICSES 2022) on 3 – 4 November 2022 in a hybrid manner at the Aruna Senggigi Hotel, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and through Zoom Meeting.
ICSES 2022 carries the theme “Innovation and Creativity in Ecotourism Integrated Science and Science Education Research”. The international conference, which is entering its second year, involved 10 core speakers from several countries such as Jordan, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, and Indonesia, as well as 17 invited speakers from international and national scales.
This activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector 4 of Unram, Yusron Saadi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. In his remarks, he conveyed the potential of ecotourism owned by the island of Lombok.
“Lombok is one of the 5 tourist destination locations in Indonesia. Lombok is also the most suitable place for ecotourism. Sustainable ecotourism consists of 3. The first is conservation, the second is community and the third is education. Conservation is a very important component of ecotourism because it is a sustainable solution to increase biodiversity,” explained Yusron.
The conference is to bring together international academics, researchers and scholars and policymakers responsible for delivering, promoting, developing, and disseminating sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, through the use of advanced Science, Technology and Education, for the competitive advantage of sustainability in integrated ecotourism.
Through ICSES 2022, it is hoped that it can provide a great opportunity for prospective participants to share the latest theoretical knowledge, research findings and experience in dealing with sustainable Science Education and Science Research. Thus, the conference will feature presentations by international speakers according to cutting-edge topics.
Scopes covered by this conference include: Science Education, Physics Education, Physics, Instrumentation and Energy, Chemistry and Materials Sciences, Biology and Molecular Biology, Natural Sciences, Environment and Human Ecology, Chemistry Education, Biology Education, STEM, Environmental Education, and Continuing Education.
This ICSES 2022 activity is the final series of activities for the 17th Postgraduate Anniversary in 2022. “In the framework of the Postgraduate Anniversary this time focusing on academic activities, previously Postgraduate Unram held a National Seminar both in the Master’s Program in Dryland Agriculture and the Master of Education Administration Study Program,” said Unram Postgraduate Director, Prof. Ir. Muhammad Sarjan, M.Agr.CP., Ph.D.