Postgraduate Unram Held National Seminar on Raising the Issue of Dryland Agricultural Productivity

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – Master Program in Dryland Agriculture, Universitas Mataram (Unram) held an International Seminar with the theme “Technological Innovation and Socio-Economic Engineering to Increase Dryland Agricultural Productivity”. This national seminar was held in a hybrid manner, at the Aston Inn Mataram Hotel and through a Zoom Meeting for two days from 20 – 21 October 2022.
Based on the report of Dr. Ir. A. A. Ketut Sudharmawan, M.P. as the Chairman of the Committee, this national seminar was attended by 84 speakers who will discuss various interesting topics from universities and practitioners in Indonesia. The sub-themes discussed are related to Dryland Management and Soil Quality; Plant Breeding, Cultivation and Post-Harvest Technology; Management of Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Resources; Biodiversity and Climate Change; Agricultural Socioeconomics; Food Security and Nutrition; and Agricultural Communication and Extension.
Furthermore, in the remarks of the Director of Postgraduate Unram, Prof. Ir. M. Sarjan, M.Agr.CP., Ph.D. said that this seminar is a series of activities for the 17th Anniversary of Postgraduate Unram which coincides on September 8, 2022. Prof. Sarjan also mentioned that this national seminar is a forum for discussion and sharing information about technological innovation and social engineering to increase dryland productivity.
“Today’s seminar will be very useful, especially for the management and development of dry land, which is one of the considerable potentials in Indonesia,” said Unram Postgraduate Director.
The national seminar was officially opened by the Vice Rector 4 of Unram, Yusron Saadi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. It was conveyed that the topic presented was very relevant to the current world situation, namely the food crisis.
The purpose of holding this national seminar is to disseminate the results of research, studies and thoughts related to the management of dry land and agricultural resources, overcoming climate change problems, socioeconomic dryland agriculture, handling and realizing food security and nutrition of dryland communities, developing extension institutions and the capacity of dryland farmers.
Then to formulate strategic ideas for the management of dryland agriculture and agricultural resources, improving the socioeconomic status and food security and nutrition status of dryland farming communities, and handling food security and nutrition of dryland communities, as well as developing extension institutions and dryland agricultural capacity, it is also hoped that this seminar can produce publication of research results.
The Indonesian Rector’s Forum Expert, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, S.P., M.Si. was present online to give a public lecture. In addition, there were core speakers presented such as Dr. Ir. Erna Suryani, M.Si. (Program Coordinator and Evaluation of the Center for Agricultural Land Resources, Ministry of Agriculture) who delivered material related to technological innovations on dry land in anticipation of climate change. And Prof. Ir. I Komang Damar Jaya, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Academician of the Faculty of Agriculture Unram) with material on improving crop cultivation technology to improve farmers’ livelihoods on dry land.
And some of the guest presenters included Prof. Dr. Muhamad Syukur, S.P., M.Si. (Indonesian Breeding Science Association / PERIPI); Prof. Dr. Andi Muhammad Syakir, M.S. (Indonesian Agronomy Association / PERAGI); Prof. Dr. Hardinsyah, MS. (Association of Nutritionists and Food Experts/FOOD PERATHIS); Prof. Ir. Taslim Sjah, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. (Indonesian Agricultural Economics Association / PERHEPI); and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunarru Samsi Hariadi, M.S. (Indonesian Association of Development Extension Experts/PAPPI).
“From speakers from keynote speakers, invited speakers, and parallel speakers, there will be a lot of information that can be followed up to conduct development research in the field of dryland agriculture,” concluded Prof. Sarjan when closing the national seminar.