Regional Coordination Meeting Reviews Strengthening Higher Education in Improving the Quality and Quantity of Superior Human Resources in NTB

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Rector of the University of Mataram (Unram), Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo M.Agr.St., Ph.D., attended the Regional Coordination Meeting as a resource person. The meeting organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia carries the theme “Strengthening Higher Education in Improving the Quality and Quantity of Superior Human Resources in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province” and was held at the Lombok Astoria Hotel on Thursday (2/11).
Prof. Bambang said that in improving the quality and quantity of Human Resources in Higher Education there are many factors that must be determined, it cannot be done with just a few parties. Currently, Unram is still working hard in fulfilling the needs for the development of Human Resources facilities and infrastructure, improving facilities, such as laboratories, libraries, learning and teaching facilities, and improving the quality of education. Where in every development must refer to how to optimize the development of existing potential.
“As Rector of Unram, I am now trying to fight hard to improve existing facilities. We are trying to improve the quality and quantity of our Human Resources by opening several new study programs, namely currently we have opened the Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obgyn) Specialist Study Program (Prodi), Neurosurgery Study Program, then a study program for pharmacy graduates who want to continue to pharmacists, and library facilities which we currently open until 10 pm. Today we will also open 2 S-3 neurosurgery and respiratory programs. In the future, of course, for graduates of public and private universities who want to continue their S-3 we already have S-3 Law Science, MIPA Education, and will propose S-3 Education Science. This is our way to improve the quality of the existing quantity of Human Resources, “he said.
The Rector of Unram invites to process and collaborate in building and improving the quality and quantity of human resources to be better and committed to the development of human resources in NTB. He also hopes for Deputy Warsito’s support in order to develop and build human resources through the education sector. Of course, both public and private universities can get help and synergize together in advancing human resources in NTB.
“Hopefully this activity can be useful and hopefully we stay healthy so that we can carry out the mandate given to us and can make the best use of it so that it can provide maximum benefits to the nation and state,” he said.
In addition, the Regional Secretary of NTB Province, Faturrahman, M.Si. conveyed the direction of the Acting Governor who explained related to quality or progress as one of the first steps in improving Higher Education is to ensure quantity by equalizing Higher Education in all Regencies/Cities in NTB Province. This is a necessity that will allow access to higher education more widely in the people of NTB.
Secondly, accessibility to higher education should be prioritized, scholarship and financial aid programs should be designed to support students from underprivileged families. Furthermore, strengthening internship programs and cooperation with industry will lead students to gain practical experience and better job opportunities.
Third, the inadequate quality of facilities and infrastructure is also a concern for us in NTB. Fourth, relevance or adjustment to employment and access, where higher education must be relevant to the needs of the labor market and social development. It is necessary to increase the involvement of the industrial world in the educational process, facilitate attention to focus on local issues and procure continuous dialog with stakeholders to understand their needs.
“These steps are part of a comprehensive effort to strengthen the higher education system in the province. We need to work together and be committed to achieving common goals, both the NTB Provincial Government, Higher Education, and the community must collaborate to create a sustainable and competitive higher education ecosystem,” said the NTB Provincial Secretary.
Furthermore, Deputy for Coordination of Education Quality Improvement and Religious Moderation, Prof. Warsito also said that there are 5 (five) targets in the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045, namely per capita income equivalent to developed countries, poverty towards 0% and reduced inequality, increased leadership and influence in the international world, increased competitiveness of human resources, and decreased GHG emission intensity towards net zero emission.
“Current challenges such as unequal education, gender discrimination in education, quality education is ‘expensive’, and limited access, must be answered and found solutions, various challenges must be interpreted into strategic issues of higher education in policy interventions. These challenges must be brought into the RPJPN 2025-2045 and RPJMN 2025-2029,” explained Prof. Warsito.
The Deputy for Coordination of Education Quality Improvement and Religious Moderation explained how the government is aggressively improving the quality of human resources towards the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045 through quality entrepreneurship education and training in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2022 concerning Revitalization of Vocational Education and Vocational Training.
He emphasized the importance of mastering digital technology in facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Where this technological development will have a major impact on life and education. Transformation in the education of superior human resources is needed to face the phenomenon of the creative age. This includes an emphasis on information, creativity, innovation, and strategic resource networks for individuals, communities, corporations, and countries.
So, according to Prof. Warsito, synergy between the government, ministries, institutions, and universities is very important to improve the quality and quantity of superior human resources. Universities have expertise and a deep understanding of regional characteristics as well as expert resources from various disciplines.
The Regional Coordination Meeting was attended by the Regional Secretary of NTB Province, Drs. H. Fathurrahman, M.Si.; Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si.; Assistant Deputy for Vocational Education and Higher Education of the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, Dr. Ahmad Saufi; Director of Institutionalization of the Ministry of Education and Research, Dr. Lukman, S.T., M.Hum.; Head of Bappeda of NTB Province, Dr. Ir. H. Iswandi, M.Si.; and Rectors and Directors of Universities in NTB Province.