Release Students for PKNU Summer School Program, Rector of Unram: Maintain the Good Name of the Alma Mater

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Rector of the University of Mataram (Unram) released two students of the International Relations Study Program, Innaya Amalia Santoso and Noralia Claudea as delegates representing Unram in the Pukyong National University (PKNU) International Summer School program on Friday (7/19). The delegation is known to be leaving for PKNU Busan, South Korea on Monday (22/7) and will join the program for 10 days.
Innaya Amalia Santoso as one of the Unram delegates thought that this program was a very interesting activity and played a positive role in introducing the name of Unram internationally.
“This program is really interesting for me, because apart from the fact that I like things related to Korea, the program content is also varied and related to cultural exchange which is certainly good for introducing the name of Unram at the international level,” she said.
In addition, she has been preparing for this program since February.
“I registered in February and then made administrative preparations both from passports, applying for visas until the LoA came out in June. I also prepared myself in terms of health and learned the language independently through the application,” she added.
On the other hand, the Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. advised the two delegates to be careful and maintain the good name of Unram during the Summer School 2024 program.
“Goodbye, good luck. Be careful, remember to keep the good name of the alma mater,” he said.
This program is expected to bring students from all over the world to gain intercultural learning experiences and provide valuable exposure to Korean culture.