Research and Community Service Proposal Review: LPPM Unram Supports Professionalism and Innovation in the Implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) carried out Presentation and Review of Research and Community Service Proposals (PKM) in 2024. This activity took place in the LPPM Main Conference Room attended by 40 reviewers within Unram for four days from January 15-18, 2024.
Universities in order to carry out tri dharma duties are obliged to organize research and community service, in addition to carrying out education. To be able to carry out the obligations of research and community service, universities are required to have lecturers who are competent and able to prepare research proposals, PKM carry out research, disseminate research results which ultimately produce various quality research outputs, including scientific publications, technological, artistic and cultural processes and products that lead to Intellectual Property Rights in order to improve the dignity of the nation.
The implementation of the research and community service (PKM) proposal review in a more complete manner and contains general provisions; criteria and requirements for proposers; procedures for proposing research proposals; time schedule for research activities; selection / evaluation of proposals, determination of funded / approved proposals, research assignment implementation agreements; research implementation; research outputs; research proposal systematics; monitoring and evaluation, seminars, and reporting.
This research and community service proposal review activity is carried out in addition to uniformity of format and substance, the most important thing is to ensure that the implementation of research and community service funded from PNBP funds and those funded by researchers themselves (self-funded), is still conducted professionally with the principles of accountability, transparency, and refers to the research quality assurance system.
One point that is prioritized in the implementation of this proposal review is that the proposed research and community service must be institution-based, the research groups in each faculty. Research and community service activities conducted should still be in line with the research umbrella, road map, and excellent research topics that have been formulated by each research group.
The Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. in his interview said that, “the assessment criteria in the lecturer’s Research Proposal Review process are divided into 2 sections, in terms of proposals assessed are the quality of the problem, the accuracy of the content, and the completeness of the references. As for the presentation, the criteria assessed are the quality of both visual and oral presentations, communication skills and responding to questions, as well as cooperation, ethics and honesty.”
Finally, to realize these expectations, it requires the commitment and cooperation of all parties, starting from lecturers / researchers, research groups in the field of science, BP3F, faculties / postgraduate programs / study programs / vocational programs, research and community service institutions, to university leaders in supporting and overseeing research and community service activities at Unram.