Strategic Collaboration: LPPM Unram and LPPM Unpatti Synergize in Research and Community Service in Eastern Region of Indonesia

Mataram, University of Mataram – On October 10, 2024, the Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) has collaborated with LPPM Pattimura University (Unpatti) in a collaboration that aims to increase the potential of coastal areas in Indonesia. This collaboration is expected to support the achievement of the blue economy, which is an effort to utilize marine resources sustainably.
In this activity, the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr.; Head of LPPM Unpatti, Prof. Dr. Melianus Salakory, M.Kes.; Secretary of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP.; and Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT., IPU. as Head of the Center for Cooperation and Community Service (KKN) LPPM Unram.
The signing of the memorandum of understanding took place at Swis-Bellhotel Ambon, attended by the Heads of LPPM of both universities as well as researchers and academics. In his speech, the Head of LPPM Unram stated that, “This cooperation is a strategic step to optimize research and community service in eastern Indonesia.”
Both institutions agreed to focus on several areas, including research on marine resource management, technology utilization for fisheries industry development, and capacity building for coastal communities. In addition, they will also publish research results together to disseminate knowledge and best practices to the public.
The Head of LPPM Unram revealed that this collaboration is expected to create innovations that have a direct impact on coastal community welfare. “Through this collaboration, we want to ensure that the potential of coastal areas, such as capture fisheries, lobster and seaweed farming can be optimized economically, but also protected and managed sustainably,” he said.
The actualization plan of the collaboration between LPPM Unram and LPPM Unpatti is expected to improve skills in marine resource management, so that they can actively contribute to the development of the blue economy. With this initiative, it is hoped that Indonesia’s coastal areas can develop into competitive and sustainable areas.
Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT., IPU. as Head of the Center for Cooperation and Community Service (KKN) LPPM Unram added, “In order to support the development of coastal areas and achieve blue economy goals, we at Unram see enormous collaboration opportunities between our researchers and various partners, including LPPM Patimura University.”
“This collaboration will not only strengthen research and community service, but also encourage the publication of results that can have a real impact on the sustainable management of marine resources. We believe that the synergy between academia, government, and society is the key to optimizing the potential of coastal areas, while improving the welfare of the people in the region,” he continued.
Both universities are committed to continuous evaluation and development of the resulting programs, in order to achieve the common goal of supporting the blue economy in Indonesia.