Strengthen Student Character FEB Unram Holds Public Lecture on Mental Revolution with Dr. Ahmad Saufi

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) held a public lecture entitled “Mental Revolution as a Pillar of Strengthening Student Character to Support Regional Development: Implementation and Role of Local Culture“ presenting Dr. Ahmad Saufi, S.Si., M.Sc., Assistant Deputy for Mental Revolution, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. This event was part of the 61st Dies Natalis series of FEB Unram and took place in the FEB Theater Room on Friday (8/11).
In this public lecture, Dr. Ahmad Saufi presented material related to the role of mental revolution in shaping student character to contribute to regional development. Dr. Saufi emphasized the importance of understanding and implementing mental revolution as the foundation of student character, which is expected to make a positive contribution to regional and national development.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si., in her speech expressed her excitement for Dr. Saufi’s presence. According to her, the public lecture with Dr. Saufi was a valuable and strategic opportunity to equip Unram students with new insights related to mental revolution as a foundation for character reform.
“We see that the national program related to mental revolution is an important part of regional development and national development. In the last 20 years there has been considerable environmental damage, meaning there is damage caused by humans and nature. The damage caused by humans is far greater than the damage caused by nature, which turns out to be caused by mental problems,” said Prof. Nana.
Prof. Nana also highlighted various problems that arise due to mental problems, such as corruption cases and internal conflicts in society. All of these, according to Prof. Nana, strengthen the importance of mental revolution.
“Students as the next generation need to get education related to mental revolution. Mental revolution is an important pillar that we must understand all together,” added Prof. Nana.
This public lecture was attended by students and lecturers of FEB Unram who enthusiastically listened to Dr. Saufi’s presentation on the urgency of mental revolution in building a generation with strong character.
This public lecture is a momentum for students to understand the importance of mental revolution as a foundation of character in facing development challenges. By strengthening resilient character, integrity, and rooted in local cultural values, students are expected to be able to contribute significantly to the development of the region and nation. This spirit is expected to continue to grow, making the younger generation agents of positive change towards a more prosperous and sustainable Indonesia.