Strengthening the Synergy of Entrepreneurship Development, LPPM Unram Receives Visit from Sumbawa University of Technology

Mataram, University of Mataram – In order to strengthen synergies between universities and support the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems in universities, the Business Incubator and Innovation Manager of the Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) received a visit from the Sumbawa University of Technology Team (UTS) on Friday (16/8).
The delegation from Sumbawa University of Technology led by Diah Anggeraini Hasri, M.Sc. and was warmly welcomed by the Head of the Business Incubator and Innovation Center of LPPM Unram, Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE, MM, and his staff. This visit aims to share experiences related to the development of business incubators and innovations in the academic environment to support students to become creative and innovative young entrepreneurs.
On this occasion, LPPM Unram presented the excellent programs of the Business and Innovation Incubator which has successfully assisted tenants from students, lecturers and alumni from various fields ranging from technology, agriculture, to digital-based creative products. The young lecturer of FEB Unram explained that this business incubator plays an important role in providing assistance, mentoring, and access to business networks for students who are interested in developing their business ideas.
“We hope that through this visit, the two universities can learn and exchange experiences related to effective business incubator management and how to support students to dare to start a business with sustainable innovation,” said Dr. Didy.
On the other hand, representatives from Sumbawa University of Technology expressed their appreciation for the warm welcome from Unram and hoped that this cooperation could continue.
“We see a lot of positive things that can be adopted for the development of business incubators at UTS. With good synergy, we are optimistic that we will be able to create a stronger entrepreneurial ecosystem in higher education,” said Diah.
This visit is expected to be the first step to establish closer cooperation between UTS and Unram, especially in the field of entrepreneurship development and innovation, so as to make a real contribution to economic and social development in West Nusa Tenggara.