Student of FMIPA Unram Receives Award at International Seminar Through MBKM Program

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) Program continues to show outstanding results. One of them is Lalu Riski Wirendra Putra, a 2021 student of the Mathematics Study Program from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA Unram), who recently participated in MBKM research and research with lecturers from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
The MBKM Research Program that Riski participated in began on February 14, 2024 and ended on July 15, 2024. The program focuses on research collaboration with international lecturers and aims to produce scientific articles that are ready to be published in journals.
“My main motivation in joining this MBKM is my passion for the world of mathematics and the desire to develop further as a mathematician,” Riski said when interviewed by the Unram Public Relations team on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
As part of the program, Riski and his team received direct guidance from their supervisors, Dr. I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana from FMIPA Unram and Prof. Nor Haniza Sarmin from Faculty of Science UTM. The research topic focuses on “Energy of Rank Graphs of Integer Numeric Fields”, which is an important field of study in mathematics.
For Riski, one of the valuable experiences during this program was participating in an international algebra seminar in Malaysia on June 25, 2024, known as AAAG International Algebra Seminar (AIAS). Riski, who acted as a presenter, even won the Best Presenter award at the seminar.
“This international experience gave me a broad outlook and the opportunity to do collaborative research with overseas experts. I also feel lucky to be able to train my communication skills better,” said Riski.
Despite facing the challenge of limited funds to attend seminars and direct meetings with lecturers, Riski and his team continue to utilize various communication channels such as Zoom Meeting, e-mail, and face-to-face meetings at UTM at the end of June.
Riski conveyed a motivational message to other students, “Keep trying and don’t give up. Hopefully the university can provide further support to students who want to excel at the international level. Get close to your lecturers and professors; there are many benefits if you are recognized,”
The MBKM program not only opens up opportunities for in-depth research but also expands international networks and access for students, as proven by the success of Riski and his team. With this achievement, it is hoped that more students will be motivated to take part in similar programs in the future.