Supporting Sustainable Development in the Digital Era, Communication Science Study Program Holds National Seminar and International Conference

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Communication Science Study Program of the Faculty of Law, University of Mataram in October 2023 again held the 5th National Seminar on Communication Science (Semnaskom) and the 3rd International Conference on Communication Science (ICCS). Semnaskom and ICCS activities, according to the Head of the Communication Science Study Program Dr. Ir Agus Purbathin Hadi, M.Si are academic activities that have been held annually since 2019, and for 2023 activities are focused on discussing various research results and community service to support sustainable development in the digital era.
The activity lasted for two days, located at the Golden Palace Mataram Hotel, starting with the organization of the 3rd International Conference on Communication Science (ICCS) with the theme “Global Challenges and Innovations for Sustainable Development: Communication, Media, Culture, and the Environment in the Digital Era”, on October 25, 2023. On the second day, October 26, 2023, it was continued with the 5th National Seminar on Communication Science (Semnaskom) with the theme “Communication and Community Empowerment in the Digital Era”.
The ICCS and Semnaskom activities were opened by the Rector of the University of Mataram represented by the Vice Rector IV for Cooperation, Planning and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, PhD. Mataram University, according to Prof. Akmaluddin, is very concerned about global issues and the challenges of sustainable development, through various research and community service carried out by Unram lecturers and students. “Semnaskom and ICCS activities are very strategic in an effort to improve Unram’s position and ranking to compete at the international level through publications and dissemination of research results and community empowerment, especially in the scope of communication science,” explained Akmaluddin.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr Lalu Wira Pria Suhartana, SH, MH, gave appreciation to the Head of Study Program and Lecturer staff of the Communication Science Study Program which since five years ago has consistently held national seminars and international conferences that contribute to increasing the performance index of the University of Mataram (IKU).
The international conference on communication science in 2023 presented keynote speakers from five countries, namely (1) Assoc. Prof. Ifte Ahmed from the University of Newcastle, Australia, (2) Assoc. Prof. Daniel Goh from National University of Singapore, (3) Prof. Belen D. Calingacion from University of the Philippines Diliman, (4) Dr. Sharipudin from University Putera Malaysia, and (5) Maulina Pia Wulandari, S.Sos, M.Comm, Ph.D from Brawijaya University, Indonesia. In addition to the keynote speakers, there were speakers and participants from communication science academics from various universities in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Chairman of the ICCS Committee, Baiq Vira Safitri, S.Ikom. M.Ikom explained that the ICCS speakers discussed sub-themes on Community development & Sustainable development, ICT and digital media, Journalism, Tourism and Marketing Communication, Cultural Studies and Social Change, Political Communication, Health Communication, and Environment Communication.
In contrast to ICCS which discusses research results, the National Seminar on Communication Science (Semnaskom) discusses the results of community service in the field of communication science. The fifth Semnaskom activity was attended by academics from various universities, activists of non-governmental organizations and community development practitioners from various regions in Indonesia.
The 5th Semnaskom 2023 presented four keynote speakers who shared experiences, lessons learned, and good practices in community service activities. The four key speakers are: (1) Prof. Dr. Lalu Wiresapta Karyadi, M.Si from Mataram University, (2) Dr. Ninuk Purnaningsih, M.Si from Bogor Agricultural University, (3) Dr. Hanny Hafiar, M.Si from Pajajaran University Bandung, and (4) Supiandi, SE, M,Ec.Dev, community development consultant of Regional Investor Relation Unit (RIRU) Bank Indonesia Mataram. The Chairman of the Semnaskom Committee, Yolanda Trisula Sidharta Yohanes, said that the 5th Semnaskom speakers discussed themes on Tourism Marketing development, Entrepreneurship, Public Health and Environment, Community Development and Empowerment, Digital Communication, Disaster Mitigation and Nature Conservation, and New Media and Popular Culture.