Synergy between CESFARMS Unram and Dompu Government, Realizing JARAPASAKA Program for Prosperity of Dompu Mashur

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Center for Sustainable Farm Systems (CESFARMS) of Universitas Mataram (Unram) held an Expert Meeting for the Evaluation of the JARAPASAKA Program and the Preparation of a Cooperation Plan between the Government of Dompu Regency and CESFARMS Unram on Thursday (2/11) in the Main Conference Room of LPPM University of Mataram.
In this activity, the Expert Staff of Dompu Regent, Head of Bappeda and R&D of Dompu Regency, Drs. H. Gaziamansyuri, M.Ap., accompanied by several heads of institutions related to the JARAPASAKA program; Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr.; Head of CESFARMS Unram, Prof. Ir. Dahlanuddin, M.Rur.Sc., Ph.D.; and team.
In alignment with Dompu Regency’s Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2021-2026 and Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 2 of 2021. JARAPASAKA (corn, porang, rice, cattle and fish) has been established as a regional leading program that is believed to be able to realize the vision of the people of Dompu who are Mashur (Independent, Prosperous, Superior and Religious).
In line with this vision, the JARAPASAKA program, which is a collaboration between the Center for Sustainable Farm Systems (CESFARMS) and the Government of Dompu Regency, focuses on community welfare through the development and productivity improvement of corn, porang and rice commodities as well as the development of cattle and fishery products. However, it does not exclude other commodities and sectors.
“The FGD activity was held to evaluate the JARAPASAKA assistance program both existing and in process and was accompanied by the preparation of a cooperation plan for 2024. One of the functions of LPPM in a university is how the results of research and service of lecturers, researchers and students of Universitas Mataram can be utilized by the community. This requires cooperation with various stakeholders in the field of research and community service, one of them is the JARAPASAKA program,” said Prof. Sukartono as Head of LPPM Unram.
The collaboration between CESFARMS Unram and the Government of Dompu Regency is part of the commitment to be involved and contribute to regional development, especially in Dompu Regency in the next five years. The management of JARAPASAKA is planned to involve various stakeholders including farmers and farmer groups, cooperatives, BUMDES and regional companies or other “offtakers”. So it is expected to become a rural business cycle and improve the community’s economy and increase Local Original Revenue.
In his speech, Drs. H. Gaziamansyuri, M.Ap. as the Head of Regional Development Planning and Research and Development of Dompu Regency said, “The five commodities being promoted as main commodities are the result of an in-depth analysis of the potential in Dompu. The determination of JARAPASAKA as a leading commodity is due to the fact that the main occupation of the community is farming, raising livestock and fishing. According to GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product), the agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors contribute 40 percent in building a people’s economy.”
The Pasaka Village Program, a sustainable cycle of agribusiness-based rural economic activities, is implemented towards Dompu Mashur through the Jarapasaka Program.
In addition, the Head of CESFARMS Unram, Prof. Ir. Dahlanuddin, M.Rur.Sc., Ph.D. added, “The JARAPASAKA cooperation that has been built between CESFARMS Unram and the Government of Dompu Regency is expected to be a leading program in order to achieve the Dompu community Mashur, due to the massive potential of Dompu’s natural resources in these three sectors. However, the management is still conducted conventionally.”
“Our plan is to develop these superior commodities in a smart way from upstream to downstream, in order to create an economic cycle that is beneficial for farmers, entrepreneurs and local revenue,” added Prof. Dahlan.