Synergy between LPPM Unram and BRIDA of the City of Mataram Actualize the Innovation and Community Empowerment

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) of Mataram City. The signing of the PKS was held directly at the LPPM Unram Building on Tuesday (31/10).
This activity was attended directly by the Head of LPPM Unram Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M. Agr. accompanied by the Coordinator of Cooperation and Community Service Program (KKN) Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT. IPU. and Chairul Ashgar Yasin, SE. as cooperation administration staff. As for BRIDA of the City of Mataram, it was attended by Dr. Mansur, S.H., M.H. as the Head of BRIDA of the City of Mataram.
Unram as a Center of Excellence where Human Resources both Lecturers, Researchers and Students have an important role in developing and down streaming research results and community empowerment to be developed in solving community problems, especially in the the City of Mataram. The collaboration built between LPPM Unram and BRIDA the City of Mataram is one of the strategic steps as a driver of the innovation ecosystem, for this reason, escalation of collaboration with various stakeholders is needed to be able to realize an integrated innovation ecosystem.
In the presentation of the Head of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. explained that LPPM Unram always develops cooperation with various parties, one of them is BRIDA of the City of Mataram
” There will certainly a lot of things that we can collaborate together where University of Mataram with adequate human resources of Lecturers, Researchers and Students can collaborate and contribute to problem solving, especially in the City of Mataram,” he said.
Furthermore, the Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture emphasized, “The cooperation that has been established is expected to help the success of development programs in the City of Mataram, such as community empowerment and stunting prevention, which in one of the KKN-PMD Themes of the University of Mataram is stunting prevention. Perhaps this can be a form of collaboration that brings benefits in the midst of society, “he added.
The signing of the PKS between LPPM Unram and BRIDA of the City of Mataram at this moment can strengthen the existence and essence of both parties as an Innovation Ecosystem whose process starts from Research, Production, and Commercialization.
Dr. Mansur, S.H., M.H. as Head of BRIDA of the city of Mataram in his interview emphasized that the presence of LPPM Unram really helped BRIDA of Mataram City in solving problems in the midst of society.
“The core of the cooperation between LPPM Unram and BRIDA of the City of Mataram is highly supportive of our activities, LPPM Unram with adequate human resources and knowledge. We gained many things from this collaboration, especially regarding to innovation and down streaming. So this Partnership Agreement will be continuously built and followed up in the future,” said Mansur.