Taking the 49th Doctor’s Oath, FKIK Unram Inaugurates 11 New Doctors

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Mataram (FKIK UNRAM) held the 49th doctor inauguration and oath-taking ceremony at the dr. Yunita Sabrina Hall, FKIK Unram on Tuesday (30/4).
A total of 11 doctors who have passed the national medical competency exam were inaugurated through an oath-taking procession attended by various important parties. The Dean of FKIK Unram, Dr dr. Arfi Syamsun, Sp. KF., M.Si.Med. inaugurated the new doctors directly.
The event was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D.; West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Health Office, directors of partner hospitals and partner puskesmas; as well as parents/guardians of the newly inaugurated doctors.
In his speech, the Dean of FKIK Unram, dr. Arfi expressed his hope for the new doctors, “These new doctors will be assigned to hospitals and health centres in NTB, where they will be at the forefront of public health services. I am sure they will carry out their duties with dedication and professionalism.”
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Division IV, Prof. Akmaluddin, saw an opportunity for cooperation between FKIK Unram and private universities in the establishment of a medical faculty.
“FKIK Unram is ready to assist three private universities in the process of forming a medical faculty. This is a strategic step in increasing the capacity of human resources in the health sector in NTB,” he said.
The inauguration and oath-taking ceremony was not only a celebration, but also an important momentum in carving a new history for FKIK Unram and improving the quality of health services in the NTB region.