Technical Guidance on Capacity Building for Leaders and Members of the NTB Provincial DPRD

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Head of the Research and Community Service Institute of University of Mataram (LPPM Unram), Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. attended and gave a speech at the Technical Guidance (Bimtek) Capacity Building for Leaders and Members of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial DPRD in the Context of Progressive and Normative Understanding of Legislative Elections (Pileg) in collaboration between the NTB Provincial DPRD and LPPM Unram. This activity took place at the Holiday Inn Hotel Senggigi West Lombok on Friday (3/11).
This activity was attended by the Chairperson of the NTB DPRD, Hj. Baiq Isvie Rupaeda, S.H., M.H.; Vice Chairperson I, Nauvar Furqony Farinduan, S.H., MBA; Vice Chairperson III, H. Yek Agil Al Haddar; Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr.; Chairman of the Committee, Prof. Dr. H. Zainal Asikin, SH., SU.; and several speakers from Unram Academics, KPU and BAWASLU as well as 65 NTB DPRD Members.
One of the signs of a state of law is the existence of a democratic system based on popular sovereignty. The implementation of a democratic system must be based on community participation and interests. The state is an institution of power that must pay attention to this. Indonesia is a country that highly values democracy. This fact is proven by giving its citizens the freedom to express their opinions and oversee the government. This is reflected in article 28 of the 1945 Constitution.
Capacity building activities for DPRD members in Law No. 17/2014 on MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD (MD3) and Law No. 23/2014 on local government, explicitly states that DPRD has 3 functions, namely: 1. Formation of local regulations (popularly known as legislation), 2. Budget, and 3. Supervision.
The purpose of this Bimtek activity is to provide an understanding and deepening for the leaders and members of DPRD-NTB philosophically and progressively the nature of legislative elections, governor elections and presidential elections that will take place dynamically. And to provide a substantive deepening of the functions and supervision of the leadership of the NTB DPRD members independently in the process of legislative elections (Pileg), regional head election (Pilkada) and presidential election (Pilpres).
Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. said. “This Bimtek activity is designed of course with the spirit of the DPRD members to always continue to dynamically update and strengthen their capacity in carrying out legislative duties in facing the dynamics of political life and democracy which are quite complex in the country”.
Furthermore, the Head of LPPM emphasized, “I am sure that during the 3-day Technical Guidance, there will be in-depth discussions and analysis of problems within the scope of Democracy and Elections guided by the speakers. With great hope that the Bimtek will run smoothly and produce outcomes that are useful for improving the quality of your performance”.
The speakers in this activity included Prof. Dr. H. Zainal Asikin, SH, SU; Prof. Dr. Gatot Dwi Hendro Wibowo, SH, M.Hum; and Dr. Lalu Muhammad Hayyanul Haq, SH, LLM. with material on the Nature of Elections in a Democratic State of Law.
Then, KPU representatives with the material Progressive General Election is a Challenge. Followed by BAWASLU with Election Supervision and the Role of DPRD in Supervision.
Finally, the hope from the implementation of this activity is that all Bimtek participants can follow the Bimtek carefully and be able to follow session after session with discipline. So that this Bimtek can add insight into knowledge and knowledge that can be applied in carrying out duties and responsibilities as representatives of the people.