The Faculty of Engineering Unram Conducted a Collaboration with Telkom University to Hold International Conference

Mataram, Mataram University – Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram together with Telkom University collaborated to organize an International Conference on Advancement in Data Science, E-learning, and Information System (ICADEIS 2023) and International Conference on Digital Business and Technology Management (ICONDBTM) 2023 for two days from 2 – 3 August 2023 at Holiday Resort, Senggigi.
ICADEIS and ICONDBTM 2023 are international conferences which was organized by the Government Link University Malaysia known as GLU and the Alliance of Indonesian BUMN Universities known as APERTI BUMN. The international conference was attended by twelve countries consisting of Austria, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Australia, Germany, the United States, Malaysia and Indonesia.
“This year we have held ICADEIS and ICONDBTM in a hybrid format. The number of authors who submitted their papers to this conference is approximately 85 (eighty five) authors. Everything can proceed to the presentation stage, so it is hoped that the quality of papers published from this conference in 2023 will be better than last year,” explained Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, Chancellor of Telkom University and Chairman of APERTI BUMN in his report.
Prof. Adiwijaya revealed that, ICADEIS and ICONDBTM 2023 had been recognized as the perfect conferences for scholars and practitioners to share knowledge, scientific discussions, and learn from one another.
In addition, the Vice Rector of Unram for Planning, Cooperation and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D. said that, this international conference is a form of academic journey that will significantly impact a lot and we will be learned about digital business, technology management, data science, e-learning, and information systems.
“This is actually a form of our commitment to developing knowledge for Indonesia’s future progress,” said Prof. Akmaluddin.
The Vice Rector for Field IV Unram hopes that through this international conference it can become a forum for sharing knowledge and have a significant impact on the development of short and long term modern research and can be a benefit to the whole community.
For the success of this international conference, various amazing speakers such as M.F.W.H.A. (Marijn) Janssen (Professor of Information and Communication Technology in Faculty of Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands); Prof. Meenu Khurana (Professor and Pro Vice Chancellor, Chitkara University, India); Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Shahir Liew (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research Innovation & Commercialization, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia – Delegation of GLU); and Prof. Ashish Chandra (Professor of Healthcare Administration, College of Business at the University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL), Texas, USA)
Next, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairil Imran Bin Ghauth (Professor of Informatics in the Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Multimedia University, Malaysia); Dr. Sandhir Sharma (Pro Vice Chancellor of Chitkara Business School, Punjab, India); Dr. Shahrina Md Nordin (Associate Professor & Director of the Institute of Self-Sustainable Building, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia – Delegation of GLU); Dr. Dian Indiyati (Head of Research Center Digital Business Ecosystem and Associate Prof. in Telkom University – Delegation of APERTI BUMN); and Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifin (Lecturer of PLN Institute of Technology – Delegation of APERTI BUMN).